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Results 91−100 of 359 for markup

Blanking staff lines using the \whiteout command [0.14286]

The \whiteout command underlays a markup with a white box. Since staff lines are …

…c' { \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(2 . 4) c2-\markup { \whiteout \pad-markup #0.5 "middle C" } c }

Blanking staff lines using the \whiteout command

Drawing circles around various objects [0.14286]

The \circle markup command draws circles around various objects, for example …

…make-circle-markup (format-mark-numbers mark context))) \mark \default c2 d^\markup { \override #'(thickness . 3) { \circle \finger 2 } } \override …

Drawing circles around various objects

Specifying instrument changes as markups [0.14286]

…Just write \inst "Name before the note the markup should be attached to.

…Feb.2014 inst = #(define-music-function (string) (string?) #{ <>^\markup \bold \box #string #}) \relative c' { c \inst "…

Specifying instrument changes as markups

Aligning and centering instrument names (advanced) [0.14286]

…#(define-markup-command (hcenter-pad layout props width arg) (number? markup?) (let* ((arg-stencil (interpret-markup layout props arg)) (w (interval-length (… …f' g'1 } >> \new Staff << \set Staff . instrumentName = \markup \instruments { Haute- contres Tailles } { \clef alto c'4 … …f' g'1 } >> \new Staff << \set Staff . instrumentName = \markup \instrument Basses { \clef bass c4 c c g, …

Aligning and centering instrument names (advanced)

Flamenco notation [0.14286]

…----- Start '' % Text indicators : abanico = ^\markup\small { \italic Abanico } rasgueado = ^\markup\small { \italic Ras. } … …draw-line #'(0 . 2) % Golpe symbol : golpe = \markup { \filled-box #'(0 . 1) #'(0 . 1) #0 \… …a cis e\RHd\RHi>8 r4 r2^\markup\golpe <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>…

Flamenco notation

Changing the breath mark symbol [0.14286]

…property of the BreathingSign layout object with any markup text.

\relative c'' { c2 \override BreathingSign.text = \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.rvarcomma" } \breathe d2 }

Changing the breath mark symbol

Changing chord separator [0.14286]

…a chord name can be set to any markup.

\chords { c:7sus4 \set chordNameSeparator = \markup { \typewriter | } c:7sus4 }

Changing chord separator

Percussion beaters [0.14286]

…file or as embedded PostScript code inside a markup, as demonstrated in this example.

stick = \markup { \with-dimensions #'(0 . 5) #'(0 . 5) \postscript " …

Percussion beaters

Creating a Schenker Graph [0.14286]

…hide NoteHead \override NoteHead.duration-log = #1 s1 b8[^\markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) % Add color to … …height-limit = #1.5 % Add color to remaining text markup in bottom staff c4^( d)^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny N } \once \hide NoteHead \once \…

Creating a Schenker Graph

Flute slap notation [0.14286]

…we can draw the accent-like note head with \markup.

…override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \temporary \override NoteHead.text = \markup \translate #'(1 . 0) \override #'(thickness . 1.…

Flute slap notation

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