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Results 1−10 of 131 for break

Adding an extra staff at a line break [0.35714]

Adding an extra staff at a line break

…When adding a new staff at a line break, some extra space is unfortunately added at the end of the line before the break (to fit in a key signature change, which …

…key f \major c1 c^"Unwanted extra space" \break << { c1 | c } \new Staff { \key f \major \once \… …Staff.TimeSignature c1 | c } >> c1 | c^"Fixed here" \break << { c1 | c } \new Staff { \once \set Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = …

Adding an extra staff at a line break

Controlling spanner visibility after a line break [0.32143]

Controlling spanner visibility after a line break

…end on the first note following a line break is controlled by the after-line-breaking callback ly:spanner::kill-zero-spanned-time. For … …behaviour is to hide the spanner after a break; disabling the callback will allow the left-broken span …

…show glissando \override Glissando.after-line-breaking = ##t f2\glissando \break f,1\!\stopTextSpan }

Controlling spanner visibility after a line break

Sustain pedal cautionary after line break [0.28571]

Sustain pedal cautionary after line break

…sustain pedal should remain pressed after a line break. Syntax is [music]\sustainSpanOn[music]\sustainSpanOff. This workaround …

…#}) sustainSpanOff = \stopTextSpan %% Test: \relative c'' { c1\sustainSpanOn \break c1 c1\sustainSpanOff }

Sustain pedal cautionary after line break

Sustain pedal cautionary after line break (alternative) [0.28571]

Sustain pedal cautionary after line break (alternative)

…sustain pedal should remain pressed after a line break. Syntax is \sustainPedal{[music]}.

…Syntax: \sustainPedSpan { notes } %% Test: \relative c'' { \sustainPedal { c1 \break c c } }

Sustain pedal cautionary after line break (alternative)

Adding indicators to staves which get split after a break [0.26786]

…indicators to staves which get split after a break

…ly:bar-line::print grob) X RIGHT (grob-interpret-markup grob splitStaffBarLineMarkup) 0)) \break } convDownStaffBarLine = { \once \override Staff.BarLine.stencil = #(lambda (… …arrow-at-angle #-45 #(sqrt 8) ##t }#}) 0)) \break } convUpStaffBarLine = { \once \override Staff.BarLine.stencil = #(lambda (… …arrow-at-angle #45 #(sqrt 8) ##t }#}) 0)) \break } \header { tagline = ##f } \paper { ragged-right = ##t short-indent = 10\…

Adding indicators to staves which get split after a break

Positioning segno and coda (with line break) [0.25000]

Positioning segno and coda (with line break)

…c c c % If you don't use \break at Coda, use \noBreak here % and after \bar "" … …sectionLabel "Coda" % Show Coda on a new line \break \repeat unfold 8 { c4 c c c } \fine } } \…

Positioning segno and coda (with line break)

Positioning segno and coda (without line break) [0.25000]

Positioning segno and coda (without line break)

…k.a. "The-Coda-On-New-Line Layout") %% ----------------------------------------- %{ !!Off!! theCodaRMark = { \spacerWithNewLine \break % This is the New line! \doIndentTheCoda % use \doIndentTheCoda … …Set coda sign as rehearsal mark, add line break if wanted \repeat unfold 5 { c4 c c …

Positioning segno and coda (without line break)

Indenting individual systems [0.24107]

…reasonable workaround at a more or less natural break such as a coda, but in general the … …is not protected against multiple calls per system break

…lines (generally the default) % - include a manual \break to ensure application at line start % - misbehave … …Score.BarNumber \m \m \m \m \m \m \break % a short-indented system for reference (also info anchor:) \… …0 22 % no additional left-indenting applied s1*4 \break % a short-indented system for reference (also info anchor:) \…

Indenting individual systems

Manually break figured bass extenders for only some numbers [0.21429]

Manually break figured bass extenders for only some numbers

…in greedy-mode and uses extenders whenever possible. To break individual extenders, one can simply use a modifier \! …

Manually break figured bass extenders for only some numbers

Using an extra voice for breaks [0.20536]

…extra voice containing only skips along with the \break, pageBreak and other layout information. This pattern becomes …

…c } \score { \new Staff << \new Voice { s1 * 2 \break s1 * 3 \break s1 * 6 \break s1 * 5 \break } \new Voice { \repeat unfold 2 { \music } \repeat unfold …

Using an extra voice for breaks

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