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Results 1−10 of 30 for book*

Generating whole scores (also book parts) in scheme without using the parser [0.42411]

Generating whole scores (also book parts) in scheme without using the parser

…snippet also works for typesetting scores inside a \book {...} block as well as top-level scores. To achieve … …function called to process a book once a \book{...} block is closed) is modified to insert all collected scores so far to the book.

…lambda (score) (add-score score)) music)) #(define-public (toplevel-book-handler book) (map (lambda (score) (ly:book-add-score! book score)) (reverse! (ly:parser-lookup '… …#(define-music-function () () (add-one-note-score (*parser*)) (make-music 'Music 'void #t)) %%% \book { \oneNoteScore \paper { tagline = ##f } } \book { \oneNoteScore \oneNoteScore \paper { tagline = ##f } } % Top-level scores are …

Generating whole scores (also book parts) in scheme without using the parser

Book parts [0.41071]

Book parts

\bookpart can be used to split a book into several parts. Each part last page can … …last page, and make the difference with the book last page.

#(set-default-paper-size "a6") \book { %% book paper, which is inherited by all children … …#ly:minimal-breaking } \header { subtitle = "First part" } \markup { The first book part } \markup { a page break } \pageBreak \markup { first … …with ragged-last-bottom (see the space below this text) } } \bookpart { \header { subtitle = "Second part" } { c'4 } } }

Book parts

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet [0.28571]

…it in a separate file, named, for instance, 'book-titling.ily'; then just include it in your score … …TOC \titledPiece markup adds a piece title in book body and in the TOC \useRehearsalNumbers boolean if … …may save it as a separate file named "book-titling.ily", and then include it in your scores), …

…368 %% see also %%% book-titling.ily -- a titling stylesheet for use in … …the TOC title tocTitle = "TABLE OF CONTENTS" } %% \include "book-titling.ily" \bookTitle "Title for header" %% set to #f to turn …

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet

Headers for all pages in bookpart [0.28571]

Headers for all pages in bookpart

In every page of a bookpart except the first, show a header with the …

…center-column { "Music in the public domain" } } tagline = \odbolTagline } \bookpart { \score { \new PianoStaff = Keyboard << \new Staff = "upper" << { \timeKey \…

Headers for all pages in bookpart

Generating multiple PDFs from one lilypond file (and naming them appropriately) [0.27679]

…from one .ly file by simply adding mupltiple \book {...} secions in the file. Each such block will … …otherwise lilypond will fail with an error message...) \book { \score { \new Staff << \va >> } \header {instrument = "Viola"} } To … …still be added, so the filename for the \book(s) after this definition will be filename-VcB-3.pdf, …

…g | f g a c } \header { title = "Multiple Books in one score" } % The output file will be … …be called *-VcB-4.pdf #(define output-suffix "VcB") \book { \header {instrument = "Violoncello e Basso"} \score { \new Staff << \… …be called *-FullScore-5.pdf #(define output-suffix "FullScore") \book { \header { } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff = vISt << \set …

Generating multiple PDFs from one lilypond file (and naming them appropriately)

Toc Section Command [0.20982]

…several files, you might want to build a book from that. Assume you have a master file …

…vspace #0 \fromproperty #'toc:page } } } % some music pieces ... \bookpart { \markuplist { \override-lines #'(baseline-skip . 2.3) \table-of-contents } } #(… …c d e f } } } #(set-toc-section! "section 2") \bookpart { \piece \markup { "piece 1" } \score { \relative c' { c d e f } } } \bookpart { \piece \markup { "piece 2" } \score { \relative c' { c …

Toc Section Command

Printing the full title on several scores in the same file [0.17857]

…an additional title (the title for the full book) above the first individual score title. This example shows how to get rid of the extra book level title. Note that a top level \header{...} …

…f'} \header{ title = "Second piece" } } \paper{ print-all-headers=##t bookTitleMarkup = ##f tagline = ##f }

Printing the full title on several scores in the same file

Inserting large plain text sections, as independent \markup blocks [0.14286]

…almost as well as music notation: in a \book block, you can enter different \score blocks, but …

…key c \major \time 4/4 a2 c } \book { \markuplist { % put some space here \vspace#2 \justify { Lorem …

Inserting large plain text sections, as independent \markup blocks

Template for multiple instruments, prints a score and parts [0.14286]

…creates the separate pdf files for each horn %%%%% \book { \score { << \new StaffGroup = "trumpets" << \new Staff = "trpta" \trumpeta \… …header { piece = "Baritone Sax" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "trombonea" \with { \remove Instrument_name_… …trombonea >> \header { piece = "Trombone" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "tromboneb" \with { \remove Instrument_name_…

Template for multiple instruments, prints a score and parts

Drawing a keyboard with scalable size and correct positions of the black keys [0.14286]

…to the white keys. Even in piano teaching books keyboards are drawn this way. Black keys are …

…to the white keys %% even in piano teaching books keyboards are drawn this way %% this is not …

Drawing a keyboard with scalable size and correct positions of the black keys

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