%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=603 \include "english.ly" \header { title = "Song Title" composer = "As Recorded By: " arranger = "Transcribed by: " } global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'( (end . ( ((1 . 8) . (2 2 2 2)) ))) %\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) %\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible %\override Score.BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \override Glissando.thickness = #3 \override Glissando.style = #'zigzag \override Glissando.minimum-length = #6 \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #1 \set Score.skipBars = ##t \numericTimeSignature } %%%%% This setup should give me the maximum usable staves per page %%%%% \paper { top-margin = 0.1\cm top-system-spacing.basic-distance = #0 ragged-bottom = ##t left-margin = 20\mm line-width = 175\mm } %%%%% This script sets the 'footer' of the last page to show the current date %%%%% tagline = \markup { #(strftime "%b %d, %Y" (localtime (current-time))) \with-url "http://lilypond.org/web/" { LilyPond #(lilypond-version) (http://lilypond.org/) } } % ------ Trumpet 1------ trpta = { a b c d } trumpeta = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' { \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 1" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 1" \clef treble << \trpta >> } % ------ Trumpet 2------ trptb = { a4 b c d } trumpetb = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' { \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet 2" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Trpt 2" \clef treble << \trptb >> } % ------ Alto Sax 1 ------ altoa = { a4 b c d } altosaxa = %{\transpose c a%} \relative c'' { \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto Sax" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Alto" \clef treble << \altoa >> } % ------ Tenor------ tenor = { a4 b c d } tenorsax = %{\transpose c d%} \relative c'' { \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor Sax" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tenor" \clef treble << \tenor >> } % ------ Bari------ bari = { a4 b c d } barisax = %{\transpose c a%} \relative c'' { \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bari Sax" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Bari" \clef treble << \bari >> } % ------ Trombone 1------ tbonea = { a4 b c d } trombonea = \relative c { \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn" \clef bass << \tbonea >> } % ------ Bass Trombone------ tboneb= { a4 b c d } tromboneb = \relative c { \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass Trombone" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Bass Tbn" \clef bass << \tboneb >> } %%%%% This section creates the separate pdf files for each horn %%%%% \book { \score { << \new StaffGroup = "trumpets" << \new Staff = "trpta" \trumpeta \new Staff = "trptb" \trumpetb >> \new StaffGroup = "saxes" << \new Staff = "altoa" \altosaxa \new Staff = "tenor" \tenorsax \new Staff = "bari" \barisax >> \new StaffGroup = "trombones" << \new Staff = "tbonea" \trombonea \new Staff = "tboneb" \tromboneb >> >> } } %{ %%%%% comment all these \book lines if no score is needed %%%%%% \book { \score { << \new Staff = "trumpeta" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \trumpeta >> \header { piece = "Trumpet 1" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "trumpetb" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \trumpetb >> \header { piece = "Trumpet 2" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "altosaxa" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \altosaxa >> \header { piece = "Alto Sax" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "tenorsax" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \tenorsax >> \header { piece = "Tenor Sax" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "barisax" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \barisax >> \header { piece = "Baritone Sax" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "trombonea" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \trombonea >> \header { piece = "Trombone" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "tromboneb" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \tromboneb >> \header { piece = "Bass Trombone" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } %} \layout { \context { \Score } }