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Results 11−20 of 42 for tempo

Compare and adjust parts with different volta settings to create a score [0.14286]

…ArnoldTheresius %here starts the snippet: \score { << \new Staff { \tempo 4 = 96 \repeat volta 2 { c''1 c'' … …performer" % optional % \remove "Control_track_performer" % optional \remove "Tempo_performer" \remove "Repeat_acknowledge_engraver" \remove "Metronome_mark_… …performer" % optional % \consists "Control_track_performer" % optional \consists "Tempo_performer" \consists "Repeat_acknowledge_engraver" \consists "Metronome_mark_…

Compare and adjust parts with different volta settings to create a score

Of the ubiquity of markup objects [0.14286]

…other similar objects such as MetronomeMark introduced with \tempo, as standalone markup blocks, entered at the top …

…with { majorSevenSymbol = \markup "majorSevenSymbol" } \chordmode { c1:maj7 } \new Staff { \tempo \markup "MetronomeMark" \textMark "TextMark" \once \override TupletNumber.text = \…

Of the ubiquity of markup objects

Forcing measure width to adapt to MetronomeMark's width [0.13393]

example = { \tempo "Allegro" R1*6 \tempo "Rall." R1*2 \tempo "A tempo" R1*8 } { \compressMMRests { \example R1 R1 \override Score.…

Forcing measure width to adapt to MetronomeMark's width

Distancing the metronome sign [0.10714]

… { \tempo 4 = 60 \repeat unfold 4 e''4 \override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #3 \tempo 4 = 60 \repeat unfold 4 e''4 }

Distancing the metronome sign

Vocal headword [0.10714]

…clef bass \key d \minor \time 3/4 \tempo "Recitativo" \autoBeamOff r4^\markup { \small Baritono } r a \… …d8 a a4 r \bar "||" % \time 4/4 \tempo "Allegro assai" % R1 % e''4^\f d r2 % …

Vocal headword

Arrows [0.10714]

…piece = \markup \bold "Fandango" } } %% As instrument name, as tempo warning \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup\arrow #"… …##t #X #RIGHT #7 #0.07 } \relative c' { \tempo \markup { \concat { \raise #1 \scale #'(1.2 . …


Using marklines in a Frenched score [0.10714]

bars = { \tempo "Allegro" 4=120 s1*2 \repeat unfold 5 { \mark \default s1*2 } \bar "||" \tempo "Adagio" 4=40 s1*2 \repeat unfold 8 { \…

Using marklines in a Frenched score

Adding drum parts [0.07143]

…stemUp \drh } \new DrumVoice { \stemDown \drl } >> >> \layout { } \midi { \tempo 4 = 120 } }

Adding drum parts

Demo MidiInstruments [0.07143]

…all midi sounds" arranger = "Myself " } melody = \relative c' { \tempo 4 = 150 c4.\mf g c16 b' c …

Demo MidiInstruments

Creating music with Scheme (music box) [0.07143]

…up" { \clef "G" } \new Staff = "down" { \clef "F" \tempo 4 = 80 %%% The first measure should use notes …

Creating music with Scheme (music box)

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