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Results 11−20 of 28 for slur

Automatically coloring grobs to indicate when their direction has been manually set [0.21429]

…to certain types of grob (i.e. just Slur, or just Slur and TextScript).

…4^"xy" c''^3_\4_"xy" } % only color Slur and TextScript grobs \new Voice \with { \mapList #colorizeDir Slur.TextScript } { \music } % color all grobs \new Voice \with { \…

Automatically coloring grobs to indicate when their direction has been manually set

Schleifer articulation mark [0.20982]

…a function that combines a prall and a slur, using an invisible rest as a spacer (since …

…schleifer = #(define-music-function (start) (ly:music?) #{\once \override Slur.direction = #UP \once \override Slur.stencil = $(lambda (grob) (… …override Slur.positions = #'(-1 . 2) \once \override Slur.text = \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.prall" } \once \override Slur.control-points = $(lambda (grob) (let* ((coords (ly:slur::calc-control-points grob)) (point-0 (…

Schleifer articulation mark

Dashed slurs indicating optional slurs between lyric lines [0.17857]

…hidden notes that are connected with a dashed slur, leaving the notes in the main voice free … …align with any lyrics. The thickness of the slur is also increased, to aid visibility. To align …

…two Whee! \skip 8 that's a dashed slur! } >> }

Dashed slurs indicating optional slurs between lyric lines

Hiding parts of slurs to avoid collisions with other objects [0.17857]

…shows how to hide the part of the slur that is colliding with something.

…parse-grob-sym grob-sym)))) #{ \override Tie.layer = #-2 \override Slur.layer = #-2 \override PhrasingSlur.layer = #-2 \override $context . $… …cdr (parse-grob-sym grob-sym)))) #{ \revert Tie.layer \revert Slur.layer \revert PhrasingSlur.layer \revert $context . $top-grob . avoid-slur \…

Hiding parts of slurs to avoid collisions with other objects

Changing the appearance of a slur from solid to dotted or dashed [0.14286]

Changing the appearance of a slur from solid to dotted or dashed

Changing the appearance of a slur from solid to dotted or dashed

Creating a Schenker Graph [0.14286]

…to both Dashed Slurs in top staff \override Slur.color = #(x11-color "purple") \hide Stem s1 \once \… …purple") \hide Stem \hide NoteHead \slurDashed \once \override Slur.height-limit = #6.0 \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0.5 . -0.25) \override Stem.…

Creating a Schenker Graph

Making \thumb behave like other fingerings [0.14286]

…like other fingerings, in particular with regards to slur avoidance, since it is defined as a Script …

… %LSR Slur avoidance was fixed in version 2_13_24 …

Making \thumb behave like other fingerings

Variable bow thickness depending on length [0.13393]

…header { piece = "Thickness = 2.7 (fixed)" } \layout { \override Slur.thickness = #2.7 \override PhrasingSlur.thickness = #2.7 \… …#(variable-bow-thickness 6 18 1 2) } } \score { { \override Slur.after-line-breaking = #(variable-bow-thickness 1 2 1 33) \shape … …10 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) ) Slur b1( b') b1-\shape #'((10 . 0) (0 . …

Variable bow thickness depending on length

Differently colored note heads in one staff [0.10714]

…##t \override Voice.MultiMeasureRest.transparent = ##t \override Voice.Slur.transparent = ##t \override Voice.PhrasingSlur.transparent = ##t } NHonly = { % … …Rest.staff-position \revert Voice.MultiMeasureRest.transparent \revert Voice.Slur.transparent \revert Voice.PhrasingSlur.transparent \stemNeutral } % { % All pitches …

Differently colored note heads in one staff

Flams, drags and ruffs [0.10714]

…c f> % Insert the beginning of a (Phrasing)Slur before the grace-notes. <>^\( \drag <f c> % Change appearance … …f c> % Insert the beginning of a (Phrasing)Slur before the grace-notes. <>( \graceRepeat #5 <c f> \graceRepeat …

Flams, drags and ruffs

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