%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Search?q=schenker %% last improvement Feb. 2014. %% updated by P.P.Schneider Feb. 2014. %here starts the snippet: \header{ composer = "J.S. Bach" title = "Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein" subtitle = "Analysis from Gene Biringer's Schenker Text, Ex. 5-27" % "BWV641" enteredby = "Kris Shaffer" } % See http://kris.shaffermusic.com/tech.html. for more information % 'Add color...' sections are not the original author's, but added % afterwards specifically for illustration in LilyPond's Documentation. I = \once \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t staffPiano = \new PianoStaff { \set Score.timing = ##f \set PianoStaff.followVoice = ##t << \new Staff = "RH" { % Right hand \clef treble \key g \major \relative c'' { \override Staff.NoteCollision.merge-differently-headed = ##t << { \override Beam.positions = #'(8 . 8) \hide NoteHead \override NoteHead.duration-log = #1 s1 b8[^\markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) % Add color to markup in top staff \column { \with-color #red \small { ^ 3 } } } s4. s1 a8^\markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) % Add color to markup in top staff \column { \with-color #red \small { ^ 2 } } } s4. s2 g8]^\markup { % Add color to markup in top staff \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) \column { \with-color #red \small { ^ 1 } } } s4. \revert Beam.positions \undo \hide NoteHead \revert NoteHead.duration-log } \\ { % Add color to both Dashed Slurs in top staff \override Slur.color = #(x11-color "purple") \hide Stem s1 \once \override Slur.height-limit = #6 \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(1.25 . 0) \slurDashed \I b2_( s2 \once \hide NoteHead b4) s \once \override Slur.height-limit = #3.25 \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(.75 . 0) a2_( s4 \once \hide NoteHead a4) g2 \undo \hide Stem } \\ \override Staff.NoteCollision.merge-differently-headed = ##t { \override Beam.positions = #'(4 . -3.25) \stemUp g8[ s s4 s2 \stemDown \once \hide NoteHead \I b8] s8 \override Beam.positions = #'(3 . -2.25) \stemUp a8[ s s4 \stemDown c8] s s2 s s } \\ { % Add color to all remaining Slurs in top staff \override Slur.color = #(x11-color "violet") \override PhrasingSlur.color = #(x11-color "violet") \hide Stem \override Stem.length = #0 % Add color to text markups in top staff g4_\( fis^(_\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny N } g)\) a^(^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } b2) b4^(^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } \stemUp \undo \hide Stem \override Stem.length = #10 c8)^( s \override Stem.length = #14 b4) s s \override Stem.length = #0 \hide Stem \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.35) % Add color to remaining text markup in top staff c4^\( b_(_\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } a)\) s2 \revert Stem.length } \\ { \hide Stem \hide NoteHead \override Stem.length = #0 s1 s4 e4 s \change Staff = "LH" fis,4 s2 \undo \hide Stem \undo \hide NoteHead \revert Stem.length } \\ { \hide Stem \hide NoteHead \override Stem.length = #0 s1 s s2 fis'4 s \change Staff = "LH" g,4 s s2 \undo \hide Stem \undo \hide NoteHead \revert Stem.length } >> \bar "|." } } \new Staff = "LH" { % Left hand \clef bass \key g \major \relative c' { \override Staff.NoteCollision.merge-differently-headed = ##t << { \override Beam.positions = #'(-8 . -8) \hide NoteHead \stemDown % Add color to long beam text markups in bottom staff \I g8[_\markup { \with-color #(x11-color 'LawnGreen) \bold I } s4. s1 s s2 \I d8_\markup { \with-color #(x11-color 'LawnGreen) \bold V } s4. \I g,8]_\markup { \with-color #(x11-color 'LawnGreen) \bold I } s4. \revert Beam.positions \undo \hide NoteHead } \\ { \hide Stem \stemDown \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-11.75 . -12.25) \I g'2 s1 s s2 \I d2 g,2 \undo \hide Stem } \\ { % Add color to all single-note Slurs in bottom staff \override Slur.color = #(x11-color "violet") \hide Stem \once \hide NoteHead \override Stem.length = #0 g'4 \once \override TextScript.padding = #0.25 % Add color to text markups in bottom staff a4_(^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } b) fis4^(^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } e) \once \hide NoteHead \once \override Slur.height-limit = #1.5 % Add color to remaining text markup in bottom staff c4^( d)^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny N } \once \hide NoteHead \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.5) \I fis,4_( \undo \hide Stem \override Stem.length = #10 \stemDown g4) s \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.25) \I c8_( s \hide Stem \revert Stem.length a4) \once \hide NoteHead \I d4^( d,4) s2 } \\ { % Add color to all two-note Slurs in bottom staff \override Slur.color = #(x11-color "violet") \hide Stem \hide NoteHead \I g'4^( s b) s2 \undo \hide Stem \undo \hide NoteHead \override Beam.positions = #'(-4 . 1) \stemDown c,8[ s s4 \stemUp fis,8] s \override Beam.positions = #'(1 . -4) g8[ s \stemDown b8] s \revert Beam.positions \hide Stem \hide NoteHead c4^( s d4) s s2 } \\ { % Add color to four-note Slur in bottom staff \override Slur.color = #(x11-color "violet") \hide Stem \hide NoteHead \override Stem.length = #0 \stemDown \once \override Slur.height-limit = #3 \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.25) \I g4_( s2. e4) s2. s2 s1 s2 \undo \hide Stem \undo \hide NoteHead } \\ { % Add color to dashed Slur in bottom staff \override Slur.color = #(x11-color "purple") \hide Stem \hide NoteHead \slurDashed \once \override Slur.height-limit = #6.0 \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0.5 . -0.25) \override Stem.length = #0 g4_( s2. s1 g,4) s s1 s2 \undo \hide Stem \undo \hide NoteHead } >> \bar "|." } } >> } \score { << \staffPiano >> \layout { indent = 0.0 ragged-right = ##f \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } } \paper { tagline = ##f }