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Results 11−20 of 81 for notehead

Flute slap notation [0.14063]

slap = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) #{ \temporary \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \temporary \override NoteHead.text = \markup \translate … …0 -0.8)))) #music \revert NoteHead.stencil \revert NoteHead.text \revert NoteHead.stem-attachment #}) \relative c' { c4 \slap c d …

Flute slap notation

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note name and alteration [0.14063]

…italic "Thin (#1) outlines:" \new Staff \with { \override NoteHead.layer = #2 \override NoteHead.before-line-breaking = #(coloredNoteHeads #f … …Medium (#3) colored outlines:" } \new Staff \with { \override NoteHead.layer = #2 \override NoteHead.before-line-breaking = #(coloredNoteHeads #t 3) } { \music }

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note name and alteration

Coloring objects [0.13839]

…Accidental.color = #darkgreen \override Beam.color = #cyan \override NoteHead.color = #darkyellow c4 \override NoteHead.color = #red f \override NoteHead.color = #darkmagenta g \override NoteHead.color = #darkblue b \override NoteHead.color = #green \override Stem.color = #blue e8 es …

Coloring objects

Score for diatonic accordion [0.13839]

…es2 f bes1 } NoStem = { \hide Stem } NoNoteHead = \hide NoteHead ZeroBeam = \override Beam.positions = #'(0 . 0) staffTabLine = \… …override Stem.length = #(* 7.0 mag) \override NoteHead.font-size = #(inexact->exact (* (/ 6.0 (log 2.… …log mag))) #}) AltOff = { \revert Stem.length \revert NoteHead.font-size } BassRhythm = {s4 s8 | c2 c2 | c2 s8 } …

Score for diatonic accordion

Jazz combo template [0.13393]

…16) \include "" %%%%%%%%%%%% Some macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% sl = { \override = #'slash \hide Stem } nsl = { \revert \undo \hide Stem } crOn = \override = #'cross crOff = \revert %% insert chord name style stuff here. jazzChords = { } %%%%%%%%%%%% …

Jazz combo template

Flamenco notation [0.13393]

…default \undo \omit TupletNumber } headsOff = { \hide TabNoteHead \hide NoteHead \override = ##t } headsOn = { \override TabNoteHead.transparent = ##f \override NoteHead.transparent = ##f \override = ##f } %%%%%%% Cut here ----- End '' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% …

Flamenco notation

Incipit [0.13393]

…c'8 d'4) c'4 | \once \hide NoteHead c'1 | b\breve | } } discantusLyrics = \lyricmode { Ju -- … …d'2. d'4 b e' | \once \hide NoteHead e'1 | d'\breve | } } tenorLyrics = \lyricmode { Ju -- … …R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | g2. e4 | \once \hide NoteHead e1 | g\breve | } } bassusLyrics = \lyricmode { Ju -- bi- "..." …


Creating harp glissandi [0.13393]

…ad lib." s8*3 \change Staff = "left" \override NoteHead.transparent = ##t \override = ##t c,8\… …right" c'''8 r % Back to normal \override NoteHead.transparent = ##f \override = ##f c''4 d'' e'' } \new Staff = "…

Creating harp glissandi

Notating whispering and air tones [0.13393]

… whisperOn = { \override NoteHead.stem-attachment = #'(0 . -1.5) \override NoteHead.stencil = … …override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.right-padding = #0.6 } whisperOff = { \revert NoteHead.stem-attachment \revert NoteHead.stencil \revert Staff.AccidentalPlacement.right-padding } \new Staff \relative …

Notating whispering and air tones

Adding timing marks to long glissandi [0.13393]

glissandoSkipOn = { \override NoteColumn.glissando-skip = ##t \hide NoteHead \override = ##t } glissandoSkipOff = { \revert NoteColumn.glissando-skip \undo \hide NoteHead \revert } \relative c'' { r8 f8\glissando \glissandoSkipOn f4 …

Adding timing marks to long glissandi

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