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Results 31−40 of 359 for markup

Alphabetically sorted index [0.28571]

…indexItem and \indexSection both take two arguments (string, markup). The first is used to calculate the order … …Songs" \indexItem #"rock - Stairway to Heaven" \markup "Stairway to heaven" \indexItem #"rock - Nothing Else Matters" \markup "Nothing Else Matters" Limitations: It is not yet …

…- define and index item with \indexItem $sortstring $markup % - use \indexSection $sortstring $markup to divide the … …10 { c d e f } \indexItem #"Bettina" \markup { \larger "Bettina" } \indexItem #"Barbara" \markup { \smallCaps "Barbara" } \repeat unfold 10 { c d e …

Alphabetically sorted index

Aligning columns from different markups [0.26786]

One can use \markup \fill-line { \column { "line1" "line2" ... } \column { "line1" "line2" ... } } to create text markup in multiple columns (for example, writing out the … …one has to use \columns instead of \fill-line: \markup \columns { \column{"default column 1" "line 2"} \column{"…

…1)))) (interpret-markup layout props (make-line-markup (map (lambda (line) (markup #:pad-to-box `(0 . ,line-width) '(0 . 0) #:override `(line-width . ,line-width) … …rest" "line 2" } \column { "c 3" "line 2" } } \markup \columns { \column { "col 1" "line 2" } \column { "col … …column { "Here, column 3 is wider" "line 2" } } \markup \columns { \column { "short" "line 2"} \column { "Long text, …

Aligning columns from different markups

Arrows [0.26786]

…scale when the global-staff-size changes. Here's a markup function that helps create ready-to-use arrows without this … …length #'boldness. Example (at default global-staff-size): \markup{ \scale #'(1.8 . 1.8) \arrow #"… …#3 #0.14 } gives the same output as \markup{ \combine \fontsize #5 \arrow-head #Y #UP ##f \override …

…X)(eq? direction 1))) (if (eq? fletching fletching?) (markup (#:override (cons (quote filled) #f) (#:path boldness `((moveto … …#18 #0.03 } } } %% As split staff indication : \markup\column { \line { See also: \italic %\with-url "http://lsr.… …angle-rad))) (target-y (* length (sin angle-rad)))) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:translate (cons (/ target-x 2) (/ target-y 2)) #:rotate angle-deg …


Vertical spacing of footnotes [0.26786]

…footnote-padding is also inserted between the footnote separator markup and the first footnote. A consequence of this … …a new command \Footnote that accepts either a markup (for single-line footnotes) or a markup list (for multi-line footnotes). The baseline-to-baseline distance of …

…line of a footnote `elts` (which is a markup list holding the lines)." (let ((stils (interpret-markup-list layout … …text-font-defaults.baseline-skip = 1.7 footnote-padding = 3\mm footnote-separator-markup = \markup { \override #'(span-factor . 1/3) \draw-hline } } \markup "time-based footnotes" \score { \relative c'' { r1 | \Footnote #'(…

Vertical spacing of footnotes

Accordion-discant symbols [0.25000]

This snippet has been obsoleted by predefined markup commands, see 'Discant symbols' in the Notation Reference. … …symbols: the placement of the symbols added with \markup can be tweaked by changing the \translate-scaled arguments. \…

discant = \markup { \musicglyph "accordion.discant" } dot = \markup { \musicglyph "" } \… …discant \translate-scaled #'(0 . 1.5) \dot } accPiccolo = ^\markup { \combine \discant \translate-scaled #'(0 . 2.5) \dot } accViolin = ^\markup { \combine \discant \combine \translate-scaled #'(0 . 1.5) \…

Accordion-discant symbols

Rhythm marks / play style indication [obsolete in 2.23] [0.25000]

…2.23.x: use the new built-in \rhythm markup command, e.g., \tempo \markup { Swing \rhythm { 8[ 8] } = \rhythm { \tuplet 3/2 { …

…override Beam.length-fraction = 0.65 } } %% conveniance definitions semibreve = \markup \rhythm { { 1 } } minim = \markup \rhythm { { 2 } } crotchet = \markup \… …label musicI musicII ) (string? ly:music? ly:music?) #{ \mark \markup { \combine \line { \hspace #0 \translate #'(-0.1 . … …layout } % 2nd score end } % line end % end combine } % markup end #}) %%% predefined ly:music-Variables for use %%% in function …

Rhythm marks / play style indication [obsolete in 2.23]

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet [0.25000]

…title, and a title in the TOC \piece markup adds a piece title in the TOC \titledPiece markup adds a piece title in book body and …

…#(define-markup-command (when-property layout props symbol markp) (symbol? markup?) (if (chain-assoc-get symbol props) (interpret-markup layout props markp) (… …d' e' f' \break } \section "Scene 2" \piece \markup { Choir: \italic { bla bla bla } } \repeat unfold 12 { … …break } \chapter "Act II" \section "Scene 1" \titledPiece \markup Overtura { c'4 d' e' f' g'1 }

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet

Horizontally aligning custom dynamics (e.g. "sempre pp", "piu f", "subito p") [0.25000]

…done manually each time you use that dynamic markup... Add some padding (#:hspace 7.1) into the … …that space and does not allow any other markup or dynamics to be shown in that position. …

…cm tagline = ##f } % Solution 1: Using a simple markup with a particular halign value % Drawback: It's … …c\semppM c } >> \new Staff = "sG" \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { Shift inside dynamics} } << \relative c'' { \key es \… …c\semppG c } >> \new Staff = "sMII" \with { instrumentName = \markup \column { Alignment inside dynamics } } << \relative c'' { \key es \…

Horizontally aligning custom dynamics (e.g. "sempre pp", "piu f", "subito p")

Filtering parts from the command line [0.25000]

…to use scheme code to filter music expressions, markup expressions, set up header fields and layout context … …list, then the expression won't be rendered. Markup expressions are filtered using the similar construct \if-target-in …

…value-if-target-in eligible music (make-music 'Music))) %% %% if-target-in %% Render the markup expression if the target is in the eligible … …-dtarget=song -o song <filename> #(set-target! 'song) \markup \box \line \typewriter { > lilypond -dtarget=song -o song <… …toplevelMarkupIfTargets #'(default) % WORKAROUND - ignore this line \markup \if-target-in #'(default) \fill-line { \column{ \line{\pad-around #1.…

Filtering parts from the command line

Draw a bracket spanning multiple staves [0.25000]

…bracket around objects on different staves. Syntax is ^\markup\openBracket #width #height and ^\markup\closeBracket #width #height

…openBracket layout props height) (number?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:line (#:with-dimensions (cons 0 0) (cons 0 0) (… …r4 r c' c'-\tweak X-offset #1 ^\markup\flip\crochet #32 c' s } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Baryton" { I } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Baryton" { \markup\italic So } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \global g''…

Draw a bracket spanning multiple staves

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