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Results 11−20 of 87 for header

Adding the current date to the tagline [0.14286]

…in your score - using Scheme and a header that suits you (as you may find in …

… \header { title = "Title" composer = "Composer" arranger = "Arranger" tagline = \markup { …

Adding the current date to the tagline

Template for multiple instruments, prints a score and parts [0.14286]

…it/LSR/Item?id=603 \include "" \header { title = "Song Title" composer = "As Recorded By: " arranger = "… …Staff = "trombonea" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \trombonea >> \header { piece = "Trombone" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \… …Staff = "tromboneb" \with { \remove Instrument_name_engraver } \tromboneb >> \header { piece = "Bass Trombone" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } %} \layout { \…

Template for multiple instruments, prints a score and parts

Headers for all pages in bookpart [0.14286]

…of a bookpart except the first, show a header with the subtitle centered and the page number …

…key e \minor s2.*32 | % 13-44 \barNumberCheck #45 } \header { title = \markup { \center-column { "Three-Part Inventions" \null } } subtitle = \markup{ \…

Headers for all pages in bookpart

tag manipulating functions and additional filter by tag functions [0.14286]

…workaroud % Settings to keep all on one page: \header { tagline = ##f } myLayout = \with { fontSize = #-4.5 \override … …Staff \with \myLayout { \keepWithTag #'FOO \keepPart \Music } \header { piece = \markup \fontsize #-3 { \with-color #grey "\\keepWithTag #'… …f' e' d' -\tag #'LastOnly \p } } \header { piece = \markup \fontsize #-3 { \bold "\\taggedRep #'FirstOnly …

tag manipulating functions and additional filter by tag functions

Multiple simultaneous RehearsalMarks, tunable output per score, grace synchronized [obsolete in 2.23] [0.14286]

…same '\\default' marker." a' b' c'' \mark \default } \header { piece = \markup \column { \line { \bold "1." \underline "Multiple … …new Staff { \set Score.propagateIntoPast = ##f << { \MelodyV } { \MelodyControlV } >> } >> \header { piece = \markup \column { \line { \bold "9. " \underline \line { "… …unfold 9 { \grace d''8 c''4 } \bar "|." } \header { piece = "MemoryCheck" } } %}

Multiple simultaneous RehearsalMarks, tunable output per score, grace synchronized [obsolete in 2.23]

Force unparenthesized accidentals [0.13839]

…accidentalStyle modern modernCautionary = \accidentalStyle modern-cautionary %%%% The LILYPOND Standard: \header { tagline = ##f } MusicI = { \key f \major cis''4( … …MusicIII \bar "||" s4*0^"modern-cautionary:" \modernCautionary \MusicIII \bar "|." } \header { piece = \markup \column { "remove all parenthesis from cautionary … …MusicIII \bar "||" s4*0^"modern-cautionary:" \modernCautionary \MusicIII \bar "|." } \header { piece = "remove all parenthesis from cautionary accidentals by …

Force unparenthesized accidentals

Easy Gregorian notation [0.13839]

…end of "modernGregorian.ily" %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% Example %%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\include "modernGregorian.ily" \header { tagline = ##f } allelujaStandard = \transpose c c' { \clef G \… …ragged-right = ##f \context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = ##f } } \header { piece = \markup\fontsize #4 { \bold "4b." \normal-text "XV. … …ragged-right = ##f \context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = ##f } } \header { piece = \markup { \fontsize #8 \bold "601" \fontsize #2 \…

Easy Gregorian notation

ChordNames in a ChordMarkup-context [0.13839]

…c:sus4\"2 }" "is of duration 2" } } \null } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CHORD-EXAMPLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \header { tagline = ##f } %% 1 simple-chrds = << \new ChordMarkup \lyricmode { C … …c:7.13 c:7.13 c:m7 c:m7 } >> \score { \change-defaults-chrds \header { piece = \markup \rounded-box \fill-line { \column { "It's possible … …C:alt "C:7.alt" "Gm:7.(b5)/F" } \score { \other-example-chrds \header { piece = \markup \rounded-box \fill-line { "Other examples" \null } } \layout { …

ChordNames in a ChordMarkup-context

Variable bow thickness depending on length [0.13393]

…e g c e g> \bar "|." } \score { \music \header { piece = "Thickness = 1.2 (default)" } } \score { \music \header { … …7 \override Tie.thickness = #2.7 } } \score { \music \header { piece = "Thickness = 1 to 3 (variable)" } \layout { \override … …0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0)) ( b') } \header { piece = "Results of \\shape are respected." } }

Variable bow thickness depending on length

Demonstrating all headers [0.12500]

\header { copyright = "copyright" title = "title" subtitle = "subtitle" composer = "composer" … …opus = "opus" piece = "piece" poet = "poet" texidoc = "All header fields with special meanings." copyright = "public domain" enteredby = "… …c } } \score { \relative c'' { c1 | c | c | c } \header { title = "localtitle" subtitle = "localsubtitle" composer = "localcomposer" arranger = "localarranger" …

Demonstrating all headers

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