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Results 1−10 of 87 for header

Using header fields in arbitrary markup [0.41071]

Using header fields in arbitrary markup

…a markup function that allows one to use header fields (e.g. the title, composer, etc.) in … …than other markup, so that one can access header fields via \fromproperty #'header:fieldname in such markups. … …this snippet fixes this problem and makes the header fields available to markups, so that you can …

…I don't extract the % markup from the header block, but use the given markup. % % I'm … …composer is \fontsize #+3 \fromproperty #'header:composer } } \header { title = "My own title" composer = "Someone" piece = "Global … …text, which is now able to use the header fields (via "\fromproperty #'header:fieldname"). For example, the …

Using header fields in arbitrary markup

Printing the full title on several scores in the same file [0.25000]

…only the piece and opus fields from the \header{...} block are typeset above each separate score, if … …title is printed over each score. The corresponding \header{...} block should then be included within the corresponding \… …book level title. Note that a top level \header{...} block is useful if some titling information is …

…Thanks to Adam James Wilson for this snippet \header { composer = "The One and Only" } \score{ { c' d' e' f'} \header{ title = "First piece" } } \score{ { c' d' e' f'} \header{ title = "Second piece" } } \paper{ print-all-headers=##t bookTitleMarkup = ##f …

Printing the full title on several scores in the same file

Generating multiple PDFs from one lilypond file (and naming them appropriately) [0.24777]

…book {..} block typically looks like (note that the \header section needs to come after the score and … …an error message...) \book { \score { \new Staff << \va >> } \header {instrument = "Viola"} } To have some control about the …

…c4 b a g | f g a c } \header { title = "Multiple Books in one score" } % The output … …called *-VcB-4.pdf #(define output-suffix "VcB") \book { \header {instrument = "Violoncello e Basso"} \score { \new Staff << \vcb >> } } % … …called *-FullScore-5.pdf #(define output-suffix "FullScore") \book { \header { } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff = vISt << \set Staff.…

Generating multiple PDFs from one lilypond file (and naming them appropriately)

Modifying default font properties for piece titles [0.24554]

…use multiple \score parts and use the piece header field to supply a title for each of … …either directly put the markup into the piece=... header field, or better re-define the scoreTitleMarkup function in …

…Schneider on Feb. 2014 %here starts the snippet: \header { title = "Formatting of piece headers" } \paper { scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \… …vspace #1 } \score { \context Staff << { c'1 | R1 } >> \header{ piece="Piece 1" } } \score { \context Staff << { c'1 | R1 } >> \header{ piece="Piece 2" } }

Modifying default font properties for piece titles

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet [0.24107]

…title, as it should appear in even page header \chapter string adds a page break and a … …title in the TOC set the odd page header \section string adds a section title, and a …

…add-odd-page-header-text (lambda (parser text display-1st) (let ((label (gensym "header"))) (set! odd-label-header-table (cons (list label text display-1st) odd-label-header-table)) (… …an example file that use the above functions. \header { title = "The Title" composer = "Composer" poet = "Lyricist" date = "… …OF CONTENTS" } %% \include "book-titling.ily" \bookTitle "Title for header" %% set to #f to turn off piece numbering \…

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet

Filtering parts from the command line [0.24107]

…to filter music expressions, markup expressions, set up header fields and layout context overrides based on a … …targetName is provided and can be assigned to header fields. This name isn't the actual text …

…lyrics"))) %% %% Set up an instrument name for the header %% targetName = #(assoc-ref target-names current-target) %% %% ifTargetIn %% Render the … …Staff << \global \clef bass \transpose c c, \chdBoth >> >> \header { piece = \targetName } \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.font-shape = … …Staff << \global \clef bass \transpose c c, \chdBoth >> >> \header { piece = \targetName } \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.font-shape = …

Filtering parts from the command line

Book parts [0.21429]

…part last page can be affected by ragged-last-bottom. Header and footer markups can detect a part last …

…part last page oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { %% Copyright header field only on book first page. \if \on-first-page \… …be used on each part \paper { page-breaking = #ly:minimal-breaking } \header { subtitle = "First part" } \markup { The first book part } \… …ragged-last-bottom (see the space below this text) } } \bookpart { \header { subtitle = "Second part" } { c'4 } } }

Book parts

Footnoted header [0.21429]

Footnoted header

…P.Schneider on June 2014. #(set-default-paper-size "a6") \header { title = "My* Title" tagline = #f } \markup { \null \footnote \…

Footnoted header

Of the ubiquity of markup objects [0.17857]

…any \score block, in any definition inside the \header block (e.g. title, subtitle, composer) or in …

…html \paper { paper-width = 8\cm paper-height = 8\cm } \header { title = \markup "Header" tagline = \markup "(tagline)" } \markup "Top-level markup" dyn = #(…

Of the ubiquity of markup objects

Translating the default LilyPond tagline [0.14286]

…to f (just add tagline = ##f in your header block), but you are also welcome to translate …

…LSR thanks to John Mandereau for this snippet \header { %% taken from tagline = \markup { \with-url "http://…

Translating the default LilyPond tagline

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