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Results 1−8 of 8 for coda

Positioning segno and coda (with line break) [0.39286]

Positioning segno and coda (with line break)

…sign and add text like D.S. al Coda next to it where usually the staff lines are you can use this snippet. The coda will resume in a new line. There is a variation documented in this snippet, where the coda will remain on the same line.

…c % If you don't use \break at Coda, use \noBreak here % and after \bar "" below. \noBreak \… …bar count \cadenzaOff % show staff lines again } } } \sectionLabel "Coda" % Show Coda on a new line \break \repeat unfold 8 { …

Positioning segno and coda (with line break)

Positioning segno and coda (without line break) [0.39286]

Positioning segno and coda (without line break)

…sign and add text like D.S. al Coda next to it where usually the staff lines are you can use this snippet. The coda will resume in the same line.

…The-Coda-On-New-Line Layout" (\theCodaRMark) %%% 1.1 Position of "The Coda"-Markup (\theCodaRMarkOnNewLine ) %%% 2. "The-Coda-No-New-Line Layout" (\theCodaRMark) %%% Definitions %%% =========== %% Glyphs %% … …mark \DSMarkup % Textual display of "dal Segno" % The coda \theCodaRMark % Set coda sign as rehearsal mark, add line break if …

Positioning segno and coda (without line break)

Coda ahead of a line of its own [0.32143]

Coda ahead of a line of its own

Here the coda is simply engraved as a new score.

…Staff \with { \omit TimeSignature instrumentName = \markup\vcenter { \bold "coda" \fontsize #3 \musicglyph "scripts.coda" } } \myCoda \layout { indent = 25 } } \paper { tagline = ##f }

Coda ahead of a line of its own

Segno / Coda on top of rehearsal mark [0.21429]

Segno / Coda on top of rehearsal mark

…segno" \mark \default } markDefaultCoda = { \textMark \markup \musicglyph "scripts.coda" \mark \default } \score { \relative c' { c4 d e …

Segno / Coda on top of rehearsal mark

Indenting individual systems [0.19643]

…more or less natural break such as a coda, but in general the structure clash introduces severe …

…mid-score temporarily arbitrary individual single just only once % coda margin % mouse's tale acrostic mesostic spine %%%%%%%% PSEUDOINDENT … …it is)"}} } mkCoda = \markup % cf LSR966 \vcenter { \bold "coda" \fontsize #3 \musicglyph "scripts.coda" } demo = { \pseudoIndents 0 22 % no additional left-indenting applied …

Indenting individual systems

Feta font chart [0.10714]

…fermata c''\longfermata c''\verylongfermata c''\segno c''\coda c''\varcoda } \context Lyrics \lyricmode { accent__ marcato__ staccatissimo__ … …prallup__ lineprall__ signumcongruentiae__ shortfermata__ fermata__ longfermata__ verylongfermata__ segno__ coda__ varcoda__ } >> }

Feta font chart

tag manipulating functions and additional filter by tag functions [0.10714]

…f''4_"Exp." } \tag #'InCoda { c''4_"Coda" } } \markup \fontsize #-3 \typewriter \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.… …f''4_\"Exp.\" }" " \\tag #'InCoda { c''4_\"Coda\" }" "}" " " } \score { \new Staff \with \myLayout { \keepWithTag #'FOO \…

tag manipulating functions and additional filter by tag functions

Overriding articulations by type [0.10714]

…10))) (staccatissimo . ((padding . 2) (color . (0 1 0)))) (coda . ((color . (0 1 0)) (padding . 1))) )) one = \relative … …#my-settings-2 f-. f-! f-> f---> f-! f-> f-.\coda } \new Staff << \new Voice { \voiceOne \one } \new Voice { \…

Overriding articulations by type