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Results 31−36 of 36 for clef change

Adding indicators to staves which get split after a break [0.00097]

…unfold 4 c''2 } sII = { s1*2 \voiceTwo \change Staff = "up" \repeat unfold 4 d''2 } aI = { \voiceTwo \repeat … …new Staff = men \with { instrumentName = "T B" shortInstrumentName = "T B" } << \clef F \new Voice = ten \ten \new Voice = bas \…

Adding indicators to staves which get split after a break

Headers for all pages in bookpart [0.00089]

…e,2. | } toUpperStaff = { \change Staff = "upper" \voiceTwo } toLowerStaff = { \change Staff = "lower" \stemUp } firstPartLayout = { \voiceOne s2.*30 | % 1 \oneVoice s2.*… …s4 \oneVoice s2 | % 37 s2.*7 | % 38-44 \barNumberCheck #45 } thirdPartClefChanges = { \clef bass s2.*6 | % 1-6 \barNumberCheck #7 s8 \clef …

Headers for all pages in bookpart

Functional analysis [0.00072]

…voice to be displayed % --------------------------------------------------------------- bassmelshown = \relative c { \clef bass \stemNeutral \global % \hideNotes c4 cis4 d2 f4 fis4 g2 … …new Staff = lower \new Voice = "bassstimmeSichtbar" \with { printPartCombineTexts = ##f } { << \bassmelshown % change "NullVoice" to "Voice" to make the hidden bass …

Functional analysis

Scaling vertical spacing [0.00056]

…vertical spacing grob properties. Change its value to change the % vertical spacing within systems. gmult = #1.5 \layout { \context { \… …verse } >> \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "right" { \right } \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass \left } >> >> \layout { } }

Scaling vertical spacing

SATB Anglican Chant [0.00051]

…lentAntiphon \threefive \lentAntiphon \sixseven \lentAntiphon } \context Staff = men << \clef bass \context Voice = basses { \oneVoice \global % FIFTH sequence the trebMusic … …pointing from the Hymnal. \end{document} %END OF LATEX. SEVENTH Change the head and foot in the above .tex …

SATB Anglican Chant

Roman numerals for analysis [0.00025]

…size of numerals #(define scaling (magstep rN-size)) %%% change constant to adjust distance between characters #(define X-separation (* scaling … …one (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge one X RIGHT two 0)))) bassline = \relative c' { \clef bass \key g \major \time 3/4 g4 …

Roman numerals for analysis

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