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Results 21−30 of 36 for clef change

Cross-staff chords - beaming problems workaround [0.00893]

…is default stem length) e e e } { s4 \change Staff = "bottom" \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t c, c c } >> } \new Staff = bottom \relative c' { \clef bass \voiceOne g8 a g a g a …

Cross-staff chords - beaming problems workaround

Tuplet bracket and change staff [0.00680]

…stemDown g8 } basses = \relative c { \time 3/4 \clef F \tweak positions #'(4.5 . 9.5) \tweak edge-height #'(1 . -1) \tuplet 7/6 { c16[ bes' e] \change Staff = md \stemUp g[ c e g] } s4.…

Tuplet bracket and change staff

Creating a Schenker Graph [0.00664]

…length = #0 s1 s s2 fis'4 s \change Staff = "LH" g,4 s s2 \undo \hide Stem \undo \… …NoteHead \revert Stem.length } >> \bar "|." } } \new Staff = "LH" { % Left hand \clef bass \key g \major \relative c' { \override Staff.…

Creating a Schenker Graph

Organ pedal marks in various styles, including pedal glides [0.00354]

…common_time_bass \sectionLabel "Heel/toe change; foot change; foot slide; foot forward/backward; foot behind/in-front (traditional)" \withPedalmarkStyle "… …pedal glides (new) (no pedal mark style applied)" \common_time \clef "treble" \relative c'' { <cs\glide-2>2. <d-2>4 | \…

Organ pedal marks in various styles, including pedal glides

Screech and Boink [0.00325]

…Staff = up c'''32 \change Staff = down g16] \change Staff = up \stemUp \set followVoice = ##t c'''32([ b''16 … …d''8.. f''32 } \\ { s4 es''4 } >> } \new Staff = "down" { \clef bass \key c \minor \set subdivideBeams = ##f \override …

Screech and Boink

Differently colored note heads in one staff [0.00315]

…NHreverts \clef treble s1*3 } % Modify for desired clef % >> SBT = { \override Voice.Stem.transparent = ##t \override Voice.Beam.transparent = … …expected positons \override Voice.Rest.staff-position = #-0.1 % #0 wont change position; bug? \override Voice.MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0 } NHmagenta = { % …

Differently colored note heads in one staff

Positioning tuplet numbers close to kneed beams [0.00251]

…END FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% top = \change Staff = "1" bottom = \change Staff = "2" music = \relative c { \override = #1 \tupletSpan … …new Staff = "1" { s1^"Before:" s1^"After:" } \new Staff = "2" { \clef bass \music \bar "||" \override TupletNumber.Y-offset = #kneed-beam \override …

Positioning tuplet numbers close to kneed beams

Score for diatonic accordion [0.00250]

…1st one % (Keeps unchanged as reference) and then % change the second line using the transformation paper % Tips: % - In … …Staff.midiInstrument = "voice oohs" \key bes \major \partial 8*3 \clef treble { \context Voice = "melodyVoi" { <f' bes'>8 <f' …

Score for diatonic accordion

Creating music with Scheme (music box) [0.00174]

…down a, f, a, f, d, f, d, \change Staff = up \stemNeutral r8 g16 h d' f' d' h … …Bach" } \score { \transpose c c' \context PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" { \clef "G" } \new Staff = "down" { \clef "F" \tempo 4 = …

Creating music with Scheme (music box)

Automatically adjusting lyric placement for natural note spacing [0.00116]

…with % default offset values, then these values will change, so % we have to update it. #(define (recompute-offset-with-moved-lyrics! grob) (… …5 \break } nb = \markup { \small \italic "n.b." } melody = \relative { \clef treble \dynamicUp R2.*4 | d'8\mp ef …

Automatically adjusting lyric placement for natural note spacing

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