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Results 11−20 of 36 for clef change

Printing both the ancient and the modern clef in vocal music [0.03175]

…Clef.text = \markup { \raise #-1 \musicglyph "clefs.C_change" \musicglyph "clefs.G" } \once \override Staff.Clef.X-extent = #'(0 . 6) \clef treble a' b …

Printing both the ancient and the modern clef in vocal music

Crossing staves [0.03033]

…#} ) -1.3)) \stopStaff s1 \startStaff c8 \unHideNotes \change Staff = "unten" \cadenzaOff c4 e g e } blech-ter = \relative c'' { \… …s8 \cadenzaOff c1 } pauke-ter = \relative c { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Pauke" \clef bass c4 g c g \cadenzaOn \hideNotes c8 \…

Crossing staves

Repeats headword [0.02839]

…af ef c>4 | <df' f df>4. \change Staff = RH \oneVoice r8 \clef bass \bar ":|." } \new Staff = LH { \clef bass \…

Repeats headword

Percussive guitar note heads [0.02381]

…grob-interpret-markup grob tabTablePath)) %%% Example: \new Staff \with { \omit Clef \omit TimeSignature } \relative c''' { %% Change note head stencil: \guitarHead c8[ %% Since guitarHead has …

Percussive guitar note heads

Creating harp glissandi [0.01818]

…get around this. \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "right" { \clef treble e'''8\glissando^"gliss. ad lib." s8*3 \change Staff = "left" \override NoteHead.transparent = ##t \override NoteHead.…

Creating harp glissandi

Tweaking clef properties [0.01714]

Changing the clef glyph, its position, or the ottavation does not change the position of subsequent notes on the staff. …

Tweaking clef properties

Slashed beamed grace notes [0.01564]

…stemDown fis''16 \change Staff = "2" \stemUp g] } \change Staff = "1" \oneVoice es'4 } \new Staff = "2" { \clef bass \grace s4 s4 } >>

Slashed beamed grace notes

Typesetting glissandi across staves [0.01190]

…c' { c4 r4 \skip 4 } } \context Staff = "LH" { \clef bass \relative c { \override = #'zigzag g2 \showStaffSwitch \change Staff = "RH" <b'' d>4 \hideStaffSwitch \change Staff = "…

Typesetting glissandi across staves

Creating a custom clef glyph [0.01150]

…1 mlt) (* 1 mlt))) ((equal? glyph "clefs.F_change") (ly:stencil-scale my-clef (* .8 mlt) (* .8 mlt))) (else (ly:clef::print grob))))) } } %% Test: #(set-global-staff-size 30) \new GrandStaff << \new Staff { \clef G c'1 \clef F c \clef G …

Creating a custom clef glyph

Making cross-staff beams look better [0.01020]

…time 3/4 s2.*2 } \new Staff = "LH" { \clef bass \time 3/4 s2.*2 } \context Staff = LH \relative c' { \stemDown % Change into \stemUp to fix the bug c,8 [ …

Making cross-staff beams look better

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