The LilyPond Snippet Repository ♪♫

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Results 151−160 of 359 for markup

Slashed Sixth in figured bass [0.14063]

…fis e d } fb = \figuremode { <_>1. <76> <76/> } \markup \column { \italic "Standard diminished steps will slash both … …5 } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Continuo " } << \left \fb-new >> \markup \column { \italic "...Or backslashed:" \vspace #.5 } \new … …extra-offset #'(7 . -3) \tweak direction #DOWN \mark\markup\teeny { after \italic "Quicquid vivitur sub sole vanitatum" (…

Slashed Sixth in figured bass

Coloring successive intervals [0.14063]

…see above) (set! last-noteheads-color search-interval-color) (set! last-interval matching-interval))))))))) \markup \column { \line { "Diminished second," \with-color #green "up" "and" \… …3-" ,UP #f ,green) ("4" ,DOWN #f ,red)) } } } \markup \column { "Output debug information" \line { \with-color #green "Minor … …2-" ,DOWN #f ,green) ("4" ,UP #f ,red)) } } } \markup \column { "Output warning, if engraver has been added …

Coloring successive intervals

keyboard diagrams [0.14063]

…b flat) must set german-notename to #t %------------------------------------------------------------ % markup commands definitions %------------------------------------------------------------ #(define-markup-command (piano-key layout props … …complete-list))) (trunked-list (cdr (reverse (cdr (reverse complete-list)))))) #{\markup % at this point german or english notenames modifies … …#trunked-list \override #'(is-last? . #t) \piano-key #last-key } #} ))))))) \markup \center-column{ "GrandPiano keyboard" \override #'(white-key-base . 2) \keyboard …

keyboard diagrams

Accidental adjustments for single-voice polyphony [0.14063]

…a' g' f' bes' a' g' f' } { \textMark \markup \column { "force-hshift" } \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #2.4 … …Staff << \new Voice \relative c' { \autoBeamOff \voiceOne \textMark \markup \column { "default" } fis8 g s4 \textMark \markup \column { "force-hshift" "details.capture" } \once \offset length 1 …

Accidental adjustments for single-voice polyphony

Ancient accidentals [0.13839]

…5/4 \override Staff.Accidental.alteration-glyph-name-alist = #standard-alteration-glyph-name-alist cisis^\markup { \typewriter default } cis c ces ceses \override Staff.… …ces ceses \override Staff.Accidental.alteration-glyph-name-alist = #alteration-vaticana-glyph-name-alist cisis^\markup { \typewriter vaticana } cis c ces ceses \override Staff.Accidental.alteration-glyph-name-alist = #alteration-mensural-glyph-name-alist cisis^\markup { \typewriter mensural } cis c ces ceses }

Ancient accidentals

Rest styles [0.13839]

…TimeSignature \cadenzaOn \override = #'mensural <>^\markup \typewriter { mensural } \restsA \bar "" \break \override Staff.Rest.… …bar "" \break \override = #'z <>^\markup \typewriter { z-style } \restsB \bar "" \break \override = #'default <>^\markup \typewriter { default } \restsB \bar "" \break } \paper { indent = 0 …

Rest styles

Book parts [0.13839]

…a different part-tagline at part last page oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { %% Copyright header field only on book … …first book part } \markup { a page break } \pageBreak \markup { first part last page } \markup \wordwrap { with ragged-last-bottom (see the space below this …

Book parts

Including a file only once [0.13839]

…define-music-function <stuff>) % as % #(define-public-toplevel fname (define-music-function <stuff>)) % % markup definition % % var = \markup { <stuff> } % as % #(define-public-toplevel var (… …make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)) (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)))))) \markup { Pointless markup to avoid LSR rejecting the snippet for lack …

Including a file only once

Adding fingerings (or string numbers or stroke fingerings) outside of the music code [0.13839]

…3 %% 4th measures } %} \score {<< \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "original""music" }} \music \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \… …test \addStringNumber and \addStrokeFinger \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup \center-column {"music with""string number"}} \addStringNumber \music #"… …3 1234 % mes 4 " \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup \center-column {"music with""right hand" "fingerings"}} \addStrokeFinger \music …

Adding fingerings (or string numbers or stroke fingerings) outside of the music code

tempo (metronome) marks with approximation sign [0.13839]

…tempoHideParenthesis ,boolean? "Hide the parenthesis around the metronome markup with text") (tempoEquationText ,string? "initially ''='' in the metronome … …outside-staff-priority = #1000 \tempo "Tempo I" 4 = 80 c'^" "_\markup \column { "\\set Score.metronomeMarkFormatter = #format-metronome-markup" "(which is LILYPOND's default Metronome Mark Formatter)" } \bar "|." } \header { piece = \markup \column { "»Score.metronomeMarkFormatter = #format-metronome-markup-approx«" "is assigned by a …

tempo (metronome) marks with approximation sign

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