%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=980 % <= http://lilypond-french-users.1298960.n2.nabble.com/Ecriture-du-chiffrage-de-la-sixte-diminuee-tt7582315.html % Credit: PPS on March 2015 %here starts the snippet: \paper { indent = 20 tagline = ##f } \layout { \context { \Score measureBarType = "" } } left = \relative { \clef bass \key g \major \time 3/2 g,1. fis e d } fb = \figuremode { <_>1. <76> <76/> } \markup \column { \italic "Standard diminished steps will slash both figures:" \vspace #.5 } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Continuo " } << \left \fb >> fb-new = \figuremode { <_>1. <76> < \markup\concat\tiny { \hspace #-.6 \number 7 \hspace #-.2 \slashed-digit #6 } > } fb-new-bis = \figuremode { <_>1. <76> < \markup\concat\tiny { \hspace #-.6 \number 7 \hspace #-.2 \backslashed-digit #6 } > } \markup \column { \italic "Composer wants only sixth' to be slashed..." \vspace #.5 } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Continuo " } << \left \fb-new >> \markup \column { \italic "...Or backslashed:" \vspace #.5 } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Continuo " } << \left \fb-new-bis \tweak extra-offset #'(7 . -3) \tweak direction #DOWN \mark\markup\teeny { after \italic "Quicquid vivitur sub sole vanitatum" (Georg Schmetzer) } >>