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Results 101−110 of 359 for markup

Slashed Sixth in chordmode [0.14286]

…is a very basic way of formatting the markup to get it done.

…tagline = ##f } myChordDefinitions = { <es g ais c>-\markup \super { \combine 6 \raise #0.3 \rotate #-75 \…

Slashed Sixth in chordmode

Time signature with note in denominator [0.14286]

…half note), override the 'stencil property to allow markup.

… tsMarkup = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) \column { \number 3 \…

Time signature with note in denominator

Adding the current date to the tagline [0.14286]

…or placing the same Scheme code in a \markup block. One more option is to place the …

…header { title = "Title" composer = "Composer" arranger = "Arranger" tagline = \markup { Engraved on #(strftime "%x at %X" (localtime (…

Adding the current date to the tagline

Markup list [0.14286]

Markup list

Markup list

Generating whole scores (also book parts) in scheme without using the parser [0.14286]

…add-music music) to pass a complete score, some markup, or some music to LilyPond for typesetting. This …

…sol") ((5) "la") ((6) "si") (else "huh"))) (title (markup #:large #:line ("Score with a" note-name)))) (ly:score-add-output-def! score …

Generating whole scores (also book parts) in scheme without using the parser

Toc Section Command [0.14286]

…toc-section))))) % define section-aware piece-toc-item-command piece = #(define-music-function (text) (markup?) (begin (if (get-toc-section) (add-toc-item! 'tocCollMarkup (get-toc-section))) (set-toc-section! #f) (… …e f } } } #(set-toc-section! "section 2") \bookpart { \piece \markup { "piece 1" } \score { \relative c' { c d e f } } } \bookpart { \piece \markup { "piece 2" } \score { \relative c' { c d e …

Toc Section Command

Evenly spaced text in a measure [0.14286]

…5) } \repeat unfold 6 \relative c' { \bar c-\markup { i } c-\markup { hope } c-\markup { this } c-\… …8 \relative c' { \bar c-\markup { o } c-\markup { ooooooo } c-\markup { o } } >>

Evenly spaced text in a measure

Fretted-string harmonics in tablature [0.14286]

pinchedHarmonics = { \textSpannerDown \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup {\halign #-0.5 \teeny "PH" } \override = … …TH 19" } <\parenthesize c'\3 c''\harmonic>2_\markup { \teeny "TH 17" } % touch harmonics (TCH) a4( <e''\harmonic>2. )_\markup { \teeny "TCH" } } frettedStrings = { % artificial harmonics (AH) \harmonicByFret 4 …

Fretted-string harmonics in tablature

Keyboard headword [0.14286]

…layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } fermataLong = \markup { \override #'(direction . 1) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) { \… …r8 <cs'' as'' cs'''>4 \arpeggio e''16 ( ^\markup \bold { Lent } fs''16 | \voiceTwo <as'! cs'' gs''>… …override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = #500 <cs, gs,>4. \fermata _\markup \italic { ped. } <fs, cs>8 ( | <e, b,>4. ) \…

Keyboard headword

Open string harmonics in tablature [0.14286]

…1 %first harmonic \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup\small "1st harm. " \harmonicByFret 12 e,2\6\… …stopTextSpan %seventh harmonic \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup\small "7th harm. " \harmonicByFret 2.3 e,\6\… …stopTextSpan %eighth harmonic \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup\small "8th harm. " \harmonicByFret 2 e,\6\startTextSpan \…

Open string harmonics in tablature

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