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Results 11−20 of 356 for layout

Vertical spacing of footnotes [0.35268]

#(define-markup-command (footnote-strut layout props depth) (boolean?) #:properties ((baseline-skip)) "If `depth` is … …a single line. (let ((stil (car stils))) (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup { \override #`(baseline-skip . ,baseline-skip) \footnote-strut … …#`(baseline-skip . ,baseline-skip) \stencil #stil } #}) rest-stils))) (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0) \column { …

Editorial annotations Text Paper and layout Spacing

Vertical spacing of footnotes

horizontal centered systems on a page [0.34821]

…score { \relative c' { c4 d e f \break } \layout {} } } } \markup { \fill-line { \score { \new Staff \with { \remove Time_… …c4 d e f g a b a } \layout {} } } } \markup { \fill-line { \score { \new Staff \with { \remove Time_… …c' { g4 f e g b a g } \layout {} } } }

Paper and layout

horizontal centered systems on a page

Right-aligned and centered Text [0.34821]

…-1 0.0 baseline aligned-mols))) #(define-markup-command (textRight layout props args)(markup-list?) #:properties ((baseline-skip)) (general-column RIGHT baseline-skip (wordwrap-internal-markup-list layout props #f args))) #(define-markup-command (textCenter layout props args)(markup-list?) #:properties ((baseline-skip)) (general-column CENTER baseline-skip (wordwrap-internal-markup-list layout props #f args))) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % example \markup { \column { \fill-line { \…

Text Spacing Paper and layout

Right-aligned and centered Text

Page Range Numbering [0.34821]

#(define-markup-command (use-page-number-ranges layout props)() "Reads @code{'page-number-ranges} from @var{layout} and … …let* ((page-number (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1)) (page-number-ranges (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'page-number-ranges)) (ls (if (and (list? page-number-ranges) (every number-list? page-number-ranges)) (page-numbers page-number-ranges) '())) (len (length ls))) (interpret-markup layout props (if (not (null? ls)) (number->string (if (…

Paper and layout Scheme language

Page Range Numbering

Aligning columns from different markups [0.33929]

…Aligning columns from different markups" } #(define-markup-command (columns layout props args) (markup-list?) (let ((line-width (/ (chain-assoc-get 'line-width props (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-width)) (max (length args) 1)))) (interpret-markup layout props (make-line-markup (map (lambda (line) (markup #:pad-to-box `(0 . ,…

Text Paper and layout Spacing

Aligning columns from different markups

Headers for all pages in bookpart [0.33929]

…to cut and paste follows #(define (part-not-first-page layout props arg) (if (not (= (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1) (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'first-page-number))) (interpret-markup layout props arg) empty-stencil)) \paper { oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { " " \on-the-fly …

Titles Paper and layout

Headers for all pages in bookpart

Multi-column scores [0.33929]

…repeat unfold 8 {c4 d e f g1} } \layout { line-width = #(getlinewidth thepaper) } } } \column { \score { \relative c'' { \repeat unfold 8 {g4 f e d c1} } \layout { line-width = #(getlinewidth thepaper) } } } \column { \score { \relative c' { \repeat unfold 8 {c4 d e f g1} } \layout { line-width = #(getlinewidth thepaper) } } } }

Staff notation Paper and layout Scheme language workaround Breaks Tweaks and overrides

Multi-column scores

Color Gradient using Postscript [0.33929]

…symbol->string (car f)) '()))) " ")) cmds)))) #(define-markup-command (gradient-path layout props startr startg startb endr endg endb path … …integer?) (let* ((ps (path->ps path)) (markup-test (ly:text-interface::interpret-markup layout props (markup #:line (#:path 0.1 path)))) (xextnt (… …gshadelist bshadelist)) (finalmkp (reduce make-combine-markup empty-markup colored))) (interpret-markup layout props finalmkp))) samplePath = #'((moveto 0 0) (lineto …

Symbols and glyphs Paper and layout Tweaks and overrides Syntax and expressions

Color Gradient using Postscript

Vertically aligned StaffGroups without connecting SystemStartBar [0.32143]

…##f } \paper { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f print-all-headers = ##t } \layout { \context { \StaffGroup \consists Text_mark_engraver \consists Staff_… …null \vspace #1 "Exercise: Improve the given choral" " " } } \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.X-offset = #-1 } } }

Staff notation Syntax and expressions Paper and layout docs

Vertically aligned StaffGroups without connecting SystemStartBar

Creating blank staves [0.28571]

…set-global-staff-size 20) \score { { \repeat unfold 12 { s1 \break } } \layout { indent = 0\in \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_…

Staff notation Editorial annotations Paper and layout Contexts and engravers Specific notation docs

Creating blank staves

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