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Adding the current date to a score

With a little Scheme code, the current date can easily be added to a score.

Adding the current date to a score

Adding the current date to the tagline

There are a couple ways to get the current date in your score - using Scheme and a header that suits you (as you may find in the Adding the current date to a score example), or placing the same Scheme code in a \markup block.

One more option is to place the date in the tagline. This places the date at the bottom of the last page and appears like this -

Engraved on April 26, 2009 with Lilypond 2.12.2 (

The format of the date can be changed according to these parameters:

Adding the current date to the tagline

Adding timing marks to long glissandi

Skipped beats in very long glissandi are sometimes indicated by timing marks, often consisting of stems without noteheads. Such stems can also be used to carry intermediate expression markings.

If the stems do not align well with the glissando, they may need to be repositioned slightly.

Adding timing marks to long glissandi

Adding volta brackets to additional staves

The Volta_engraver by default resides in the Score context, and brackets for the repeat are thus normally only printed over the topmost staff. This can be adjusted by adding the Volta_engraver to the Staff context where the brackets should appear; see also the Volta multi staff snippet.

Adding volta brackets to additional staves

Additional voices to avoid collisions

In some instances of complex polyphonic music, additional voices are necessary to prevent collisions between notes. If more than four parallel voices are needed, additional voices can be added by defining a variable using the Scheme function context-spec-music.

Additional voices to avoid collisions

Adjusting figured bass alteration glyphs

In figured bass, specially designed glyphs for 6\\, 7\\, and 9\\ are used by default. Similarly, specially designed glyphs for symbols 2\+, 4\+, and 5\+ are used by default if plus signs appear after the number.

To change that, pass an alist to figuredBassPlusStrokedAlist and set the glyph in question to #f (or omit it).

Adjusting figured bass alteration glyphs

Adjusting grace note spacing

The space given to grace notes can be adjusted using the spacing-increment property of Score.GraceSpacing.

Adjusting grace note spacing

Adjusting lyrics vertical spacing

This snippet shows how to bring the lyrics line closer to the staff.

Adjusting lyrics vertical spacing

Adjusting slur positions vertically

Using \override Slur.positions it is possible to set the vertical position of the start and end points of a slur to absolute values (or rather, forcing LilyPond's slur algorithm to consider these values as desired). In many cases, this means a lot of trial and error until good values are found. You probably have tried the \offset command next just to find out that it doesn't work for slurs, emitting a warning instead.

The code in this snippet allows you to tweak the vertical start and end positions by specifying relative changes, similar to \offset.

Syntax: \offsetPositions #'(dy1 . dy2)

Adjusting slur positions vertically

Adjusting the shape of falls and doits

The shortest-duration-space property may be tweaked to adjust the shape of falls and doits.

Adjusting the shape of falls and doits

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