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Arabic chant

Writing chants from right to left.

Arabic chant

Arabic improvisation

For improvisations or taqasim which are temporarily free, the time signature can be omitted and \cadenzaOn can be used. Adjusting the accidental style might be required, since the absence of bar lines will cause the accidental to be marked only once. Here is an example of what could be the start of a hijaz improvisation:

Arabic improvisation

Arpeggio bracket

In a score where you've printed many chords with \arpeggio signs, you may want to tell the player that one particular chord must not be arpeggiated. This can be done quite easily by adding a square bracket instead of the arpeggio sign.

Arpeggio bracket

Arpeggios in polyphonic music

If you need to attach an arpeggio a chord that is notated as separate voices in polyphonic music, you can create single-node chords and set connectArpeggios = ##t.

N.B. This only works inside a GrandStaff or a PianoStaff.

Arpeggios in polyphonic music

Arranging separate lyrics on a single line

Sometimes you may want to put lyrics for different performers on a single line: where there is rapidly alternating text, for example. This snippet shows how this can be done with \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing.minimum-distance = ##f.

Arranging separate lyrics on a single line

Arrow notation and transposition for quarter tones

If you use arrow notation for quarter tones, and distinguish a raised natural from a lowered sharp, you can define extra note-names to enter notes with these distinct alterations.

You list all the pitch-changes that your notation distinguishes, and then choose what symbols to use for each pitch pitch-change. Transposition uses your defined pitches: \transpose bes, c \music takes the difference between your pitch bes and your pitch c and shifts every pitch in \music by that amount. If the resulting pitches have an alteration with an entry in the glyph-name-alist, that symbol is printed. A missing entry generates a warning. You can put as many alterations in glyph-name-alist as you like.

Arrow notation and transposition for quarter tones


The standard way to create an arrow is to combine a line with an arrow-head glyph.

However the line and the glyph will not follow the same scale when the global-staff-size changes.

Here's a markup function that helps create ready-to-use arrows without this problem.

The syntax is \arrow #'type #'fletching #'axis #'direction #'length #'boldness.

Example (at default global-staff-size):

  \scale #'(1.8 . 1.8) \arrow #"open" ##f #Y #UP #3 #0.14

gives the same output as

  \combine \fontsize #5 \arrow-head #Y #UP ##f
  \override #'(thickness . 2.4) \draw-line #'(0 . -5.4)

The arrows below are shown with optimal boldness (the one each arrow type was designed for).


Arrows-line function with text spanners

use arrow line function (with rotation) for describe an expression or glissando

Arrows-line function with text spanners

Associate drumnotes with custom NoteHead stencils

This snippet shows how to associate drum-notenames with custom stencils which will automagically be used as the standard notehead for the assigned drumnote.

In your ly-code you need to have these stencils defined. A simple example can be found in this snippet. Additionally there are two more examples used in this snippet for demonstration.

The second step is to customise the list (stencil-mapping) where the drumnotes are assigned to new stencils. List only those drumnotes you want to have displayed with your own notehead and be sure to put the full notename, not its abbreviation, e.g. 'bassdrum will work, 'bd won't.

Off course this will also work with custom drumstyle-Tables and, if used, with custom drum-notenames.

Associate drumnotes with custom NoteHead stencils

Associating lyrics with voices in \ChoirStaff

If you use ChoirStaff and set lyrics with explicit durations (instead of using \lyricsto), then you have to use \set associatedVoice to associate the lyrics with the correct voices.

Associating lyrics with voices in \ChoirStaff

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