\header { tagline = ##f } \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup .nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing .minimum-distance = ##f } } aliceSings = \markup { \smallCaps "Alice" } eveSings = \markup { \smallCaps "Eve" } << \new Staff << \new Voice = "alice" { f'4^\aliceSings g' r2 | s1 | f'4^\aliceSings g' r2 | s1 | \break % ... \voiceOne s2 a'8^\aliceSings a' b'4 | \oneVoice g'1 } \new Voice = "eve" { s1 | a'2^\eveSings g' | s1 | a'2^\eveSings g' % ... \voiceTwo f'4^\eveSings a'8 g' f'4 e' | \oneVoice s1 } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alice" { may -- be sec -- ond % ... Shut up, you fool! } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "eve" { that the words are % ... …and then I was like– } >>