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Results 21−30 of 42 for tempo

Printing metronome and rehearsal marks below the staff [0.07143]

…below the staff \override Score.MetronomeMark.direction = #DOWN \tempo 8. = 120 c''1 % Rehearsal marks below the …

Printing metronome and rehearsal marks below the staff

Changing MIDI output to one channel per voice [0.07143]

…remove "Staff_performer" } \context { \Voice \consists "Staff_performer" } \tempo 2 = 72 } }

Changing MIDI output to one channel per voice

Irrational time signatures for metric modulation [0.07143]

…signature found" metrmods = \relative c' { \time 4/4 \tempo 4 = 60 fis4 fis fis fis \time 2/…

Irrational time signatures for metric modulation

Incipit [0.07143]

…is useful to indicate the original key and tempo. While today musicians are used to bar lines …


Hymn template [0.07143]

Timeline = { \time 4/4 \tempo 4=96 \partial 2 s2 | s1 | s2 \breathe …

Hymn template

Custom tuning and MIDI rendering [0.07143]

…context { \Voice midiInstrument = "drawbar organ" \consists "Staff_performer" } \tempo 4 = 30 } % The end of a Chorale from …

Custom tuning and MIDI rendering

Microtonal notation and theory of harmony [0.07143]

…4 (choir)" midiInstrument = "drawbar organ" \consists "Staff_performer" } \tempo 4 = 30 } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup\…

Microtonal notation and theory of harmony

Figured bass headword [0.07143]

…violinoI" \with { instrumentName = "Violino I." } { \time 4/4 \tempo Adagio \partial 8 r16 a'16 | a'8. [ …

Figured bass headword

Keyboard headword [0.07143]

…pp \> | <gs b cs'>4. \! ) ^\markup \bold { a Tempo } \slurUp <as fs'>8 ^\( \> | <gs b cs'>4. \! \) << \…

Keyboard headword

Rhythms headword [0.07143]

…override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \italic \column { \line { a tempo } cantabile } } <g'' g'>8 ) ~ <g'' g'>8 ( <a'' …

Rhythms headword

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