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Results 21−28 of 28 for slur

SATB Anglican Chant [0.07143]

…There, two dots over a word imply a slur. A bracket over a word implies a tie. …

SATB Anglican Chant

Engravers one-by-one [0.07143]

…accents MyVoice = \context { \MyVoice \consists Beam_engraver \consists Slur_engraver \consists Script_engraver \consists Rhythmic_column_engraver } \…

Engravers one-by-one

Placing grace notes between arpeggios and chords [0.07143]

…PhrasingSlur.positions = #'(2.5 . 2.2) \override Slur.minimum-length = #3 <f d bes>4^\( <g es …

Placing grace notes between arpeggios and chords

Chord names, lyrics and blank staff [0.07143]

…Tie.transparent = ##t \override Rest.transparent = ##t \override Slur.transparent = ##t % hide the articulations \override Script.transparent = …

Chord names, lyrics and blank staff

Incipit [0.07143]

…line_group_engraver" } \context { \Voice %% no slurs \hide Slur %% Comment in the below "\remove" command to allow …


Asymmetric slurs [0.07143]

…a) } \relative c' { \stemDown \slurUp \slurNotes \once \override Slur.eccentricity = #3.0 \slurNotes }

Asymmetric slurs

Baroque Slash ornaments between chords [0.07143]

…Voice { \voiceTwo <b, e>4 \stemUp \once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 1) \appoggiatura b8 \stemDown <c …

Baroque Slash ornaments between chords

(Correctly aligned) different dispersions of text in different stanzas [0.07143]

…one. The last bar demonstrates how a dashed slur can be used %when first stanza has more …

(Correctly aligned) different dispersions of text in different stanzas

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