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Results 1−4 of 4 for ossia

Ossia staves with clefs and time signatures [0.39063]

Ossia staves with clefs and time signatures

…notation > Modifying single staves (section 1.6.2) > Ossia staves, one technique is given in which a … …or key change in the middle of an ossia passage, those will be invisible. Solution: Instead of … …change to 3/4 time appears in the ossia staff at the end of the first system, …

…time 4/4 s1*2 } \score { << \new Staff = "ossia" \with { \override Clef.stencil = ##f \override KeySignature.stencil = … …16 } << { \repeat unfold 60 { b'16 } } \context Staff="ossia" { \revert Staff.Clef.stencil \startStaff \repeat unfold 22 { …

Ossia staves with clefs and time signatures

Inserting a temporary ossia [0.32143]

Inserting a temporary ossia

A temporary ossia in an instrumental part may be printed using …

…override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -2) } { c,4^"ossia" es f fis g1 } >> c1 \break c c } %% … …staff-space = #(magstep -2) } { R1*2 c,4^"ossia" es f fis g1 R1 * 3 } >> \layout { ragged-right= …

Inserting a temporary ossia

Creating a short ossia section with lyrics [0.21429]

Creating a short ossia section with lyrics

…vocal cue can be inserted as a short ossia section.

Creating a short ossia section with lyrics

Vertically aligning ossias and lyrics [0.07143]

…tuplet 6/4 { \override TextScript.padding = 3 c8[^"ossia above" d e d e f] } } >> } >> \paper { ragged-right = …

Vertically aligning ossias and lyrics