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Results 51−60 of 81 for notehead

Mensural note heads [0.07143]

…LSR/Item?id=119 \score { { \relative c'' { \override = #'mensural c\maxima*1/8 c\…

Mensural note heads

Changing properties for individual grobs [0.07143]

…c' { <d f g b>2 \applyOutput Voice.NoteHead #mc-squared <d f g b>2 }

Changing properties for individual grobs

Changing the size of layout objects [0.07143]

…c'' { \set fontSize = #3 c4.-> d8---3 \override NoteHead.font-size = #-4 c4.-> d8---3 \override Script.font-size = …

Changing the size of layout objects

Producing white (void) notation [0.07143]

…4 \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = #'(3 . 2) \override NoteHead.duration-log = #1 a4 a a | cis,^\markup { \bold + } …

Producing white (void) notation

Displaying complex chords [0.07143]

…once \override Stem.length = #11 } fixB = { \once \override NoteHead.X-offset = #1.7 \once \override Stem.length = #7 \…

Displaying complex chords

Mixing harmonics and regular notes [0.07143]

…upper = \relative c' { \voiceOne \clef "treble_8" \override = #'harmonic g8 a b c b4 …

Mixing harmonics and regular notes

Harmonics with parenthesized stemless note head [0.07143]

…relative c'' { \override Staff.NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t \override = #'harmonic-mixed << { \oneVoice <a e'\harmonic>4 } \\ { \…

Harmonics with parenthesized stemless note head

Using brackets instead of parentheses for \parenthesize [0.07143]

…can use \parenthesize to put parentheses around the notehead. However, a different notation uses square brackets. This …

Using brackets instead of parentheses for \parenthesize

Coloring notes depending on their pitch [0.07143]

…grob) 'pitch))) \score { \new Staff \relative c' { \override NoteHead.color = #color-notehead c8 b d dis ees f …

Coloring notes depending on their pitch

Tweaking grace layout within music [0.07143]

…new Staff { $(remove-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'direction) $(add-grace-property 'Voice 'NoteHead 'style 'cross) \new Voice { \acciaccatura { f16 } g4 \grace { …

Tweaking grace layout within music

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