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Results 81−90 of 359 for markup

Metric Modulation with Tuplet [0.17857]

…of a tuplet. This can be done with markup, using postscript inside. So you can use the sample markup template and adjust

tupletToSixteenth = \markup { \hspace #-3.5 \vspace #8 \concat { \postscript "-4 …

Metric Modulation with Tuplet

Many types of bar lines [0.14286]

…Schneider on Feb. 2014 \score { { s4 \bar "|" \mark \markup "|" s \bar "." \mark \markup "." s \bar "||" \mark \markup "||" … …:|]" \mark \markup ":|]" s \bar ":|." \mark \markup ":|." s \bar "'" \mark \markup "'" s \bar "" } \layout { indent = 0 \context { \Score \override …

Many types of bar lines

Chord names alternative [0.14286]

…define-public (banter-chordnames pitches bass inversion context) (old_chord->markup 'banter pitches bass inversion context)) #(define-public (jazz-chordnames … …-\markup { \normal-size-super "sus4" } <c d es>-\markup { "m" }-\markup { \normal-size-super "sus2" } } epartialJazzAlt = #(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions epartialmusicJazzAlt #f) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \score { << \…

Chord names alternative

Transposing and naming instrument groups [0.14286]

…subtitle = "Zu Heinrich Joseph v. Collins Trauerspiel" subsubtitle = \markup { \large \bold "Coriolan" } opus = "Op. 62" piece = \markup { \… …c1 c } violoncello = \relative c { \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \column { "Violoncello " "e" "Contrabasso " } \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \column { "Vc. " "Cb. " } \clef bass c1 c } \paper { …

Transposing and naming instrument groups

Outputting the version number [0.14286]

…to print the version number of LilyPond in markup.

\markup { Processed with LilyPond version #(lilypond-version) }

Outputting the version number

File Information [0.14286]

Display ly file information in markup, including file name, file size, LilyPond version, date …

…m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" (localtime modt))) \markup \column { \line { "File Name = " \filen } \line { "File Size = " \…

File Information

Positioning segno and coda (without line break) [0.14286]

…2. "The-Coda-No-New-Line Layout" (\theCodaRMark) %%% Definitions %%% =========== %% Glyphs %% ------ theSegnoGlyph = \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.segno" } toSegnoGlyph = \theSegnoGlyph toCodaGlyph = \markup { \musicglyph "… …override Score.RehearsalMark.break-align-symbols = #'(clef) \theCodaRMarkSize \mark \markup { \theCodaGlyph } } %% "The-Coda-On-New-Line": define position of "The Coda"… …use \doIndentTheCoda or \dontIndentTheCoda to your liking } %} % !!Off!! %%% Markup for textual D.S. display %%% Choices are: \DSCodaTextCenter \…

Positioning segno and coda (without line break)

SATB Anglican Chant [0.14286]

…en-dash so I substituted a hyphen. lentAntiphon = \lyricmode { \markup { \box Ant. \raise #2.0 \dynamic mf The … …and } kneel_be- fore_the LORD our Maker. \markup { \box 7 \raise #2.0 \dynamic mf For … …his pasture and the } sheep_of his hand.* \markup { \raise #2.0 \dynamic mp Oh, that to- } …

SATB Anglican Chant

The \fill-line command [0.14286]

The \fill-line command aligns and justifies markup text by setting as many columns as required, …

…Item?id=244 \paper { line-width = 15\cm bookTitleMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { 1 } \fill-line { 1 2 } \fill-line { 1 …

The \fill-line command

Fret diagrams explained and developed [0.14286]

…black % 1 % % A chord for ukulele. a'1^\markup \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((string-count . 4) (dot-color . white) (finger-code . … …open 1)) % 16 % % Simple D chord. d'1^\markup \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . below-string) (dot-radius . 0.35) (… …D chord, large top fret thickness. d'1^\markup \override #'(fret-diagram-details . ((finger-code . below-string) (dot-radius . 0.35) (…

Fret diagrams explained and developed

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