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Results 61−70 of 359 for markup

Drawing an accordion standard stradella bass system [0.21429]

…scale factor to a number you like. Usage: \markup \scale #'(0.75 . 0.75) \accordion-bass #4 …

…x) (pitch-equals? x p)) cycle-of-fifths)) #(define (chord-name->markup p n) ;; make the name from a chord … …to a number you like." \line { "Usage:" \bold " \markup \scale #'(0.75 . 0.75) \accordion-bass #4 #2" } \vspace #1 } \markup \scale #'(0.75 . 0.75) \accordion-bass #5 …

Drawing an accordion standard stradella bass system

Figured bass with alternate baroque notation [0.21429]

…SVG output is supported) and additional stencils in markup definitions.

%% Glyph definitions: openedSix = \markup \scale #'(.0045 . .0045) \override #'(filled . #t) \… …4 . .9) \scale #'(.6 . .6) \flat natSix = \markup \combine \combine \elongatedSix \translate #'(1.42 . 2.… …4 . .9) \scale #'(.6 . .6) \natural slashedNine = \markup \rotate #180 \slashedSix %% Formatter function: #(define-public (vv-format-bass-figure …

Figured bass with alternate baroque notation

Basic Roman Numeral and Figured Bass Analysis [0.20982]

…staff with the standard engravers removed and add markup to spaces.

…remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Clef_engraver" } { s2^\markup { \halign #2 C: I } s^\markup { \super \column { … …super \column { 5 \vspace #-0.4 3 } } s^\markup { \lower #1 "V" \super \column { 6 \vspace #-0.5 3 } } | s1^\markup "I" } >>

Basic Roman Numeral and Figured Bass Analysis

Adding fingerings to tablatures [0.20536]

…add fingerings to tablatures, use a combination of \markup and \finger.

one = \markup { \finger 1 } two = \markup { \finger 2 } threeTwo = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \column { \finger 3 \finger 2 } } threeFour = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \column { \finger 3 \finger …

Adding fingerings to tablatures

Formatting lyrics syllables [0.20536]

Markup mode may be used to format individual syllables …

…c'' { c4 c c c } lyr = \lyricmode { Lyrics \markup { \italic can } \markup { \with-color #red contain } \markup { \fontsize #8 \bold Markup! } } << \new Voice = melody \mel \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody \…

Formatting lyrics syllables

Stemlets [0.20536]

…rests are hidden by setting 'transparent = ##t. Some \markup elements are included in the source to highlight …

\paper { ragged-right = ##f } { c'16^\markup { traditional } d' r f' g'16[^\markup { beams … …override Staff.Stem.stemlet-length = #0.75 c'16[^\markup { stemlets over rests } d' r f'] g'16[^\markup { stemlets and no rests } f' \once \hide Rest …


horizontal centered systems on a page [0.20536]

…you have to use a \score inside a \markup construction for every line.

…701 \paper { tagline = ##f } %here starts the snippet: \markup { \fill-line { \score { \relative c' { c4 d e f \… …Time_signature_engraver } \relative c' { g2 f } \layout {} } } } \markup { \fill-line { \score { \new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_… …d e f g a b a } \layout {} } } } \markup { \fill-line { \score { \new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_…

horizontal centered systems on a page

Broken Crescendo Hairpin [0.19643]

…is defined as postscript code within a text markup. The markup command with-dimensions tells LilyPond to consider only the … …is in a lower layer than the text markup to draw the rectangle over the hairpin.

…staff-padding = #6 \once\override TextScript.vertical-skylines = #'() des16_\markup \with-dimensions #'(2 . 7) #'(0 . 0) \with-color …

Broken Crescendo Hairpin

Customizing Chord Symbols - Global [0.19643]

…to chord symbols, you can re-define the chord-symbol markup as described in the Notation Reference, then define …

…maj7 triangle smaller <c e g b >1-\markup { \fontsize #-2.5 { \triangle ##f } } % change maj11 to maj9add4 <c e g b d' f'>1-\markup { \fontsize #-2.5 { \triangle ##f } \raise #0.6 \… …definition in your \layout block makes the chord markup changes effective globally \layout { \context { \ChordNames chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions } } % …

Customizing Chord Symbols - Global

Curved arrow [0.19643]

Markup function to draw a curved arrow with variable …

…with variable length and height." (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:with-dimensions (cons 0 0) (cons 0 0) (#:override (… …05 (abs height)) 0 0) (closepath))))))) %% Test: { c'^\markup\curvedArrow #0 #0 #0 c' c'_\markup\scale #'(-1 . -1)\rotate #-10 \curvedArrow #3 …

Curved arrow

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