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Results 51−60 of 359 for markup

Creating keyboard diagrams with chords or scales [0.23214]

…The function can be wrapped up in a markup command like this cnine=\markup\keys #'(c e g bes d') and …

…0.65 2 4 #t) (make-dot-list arg1 ))) cnine=\markup\keys #'(c e g bes d' ) cmnine=\markup\keys #'(c ees g bes d') cmninealt=\markup\keys #'(c bes d' ees' g') \relative …

Creating keyboard diagrams with chords or scales

[OBSOLETE] Adding a QR code [0.23214]

…LilyPond 2.25.3, which adds a \qr-code markup command that takes a URL directly instead of … …black" and "white" values. It is used like \markup \qr-code #10 "".

…00000000110011100010100011001 11111110101001101011101010110 10000010000110111110100010011 10111010011010111100111111111 10111010110001101111000011110 10111010100101101010100101001 10000010001001000100000010010 11111110010100110010111100010" \markup \qr-code \lilypondDotOrg \markup \vspace #5 \markup \override #'(width . 15) \qr-code \lilypondDotOrg

[OBSOLETE] Adding a QR code

Fret diagrams [0.21429]

Frets are supported as markup commands.

…context Voice = "mel" { % simple D chord d'2 ^\markup \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6) (mute 5) (open 4) (… …4-3;4-5;3-2;3-4;3-5;2-x;1-x;" c' ^\markup \fret-diagram-terse #'"x;3 5;2 3 5;… …two octaves on six strings, white dots g' ^\markup \override #'(dot-color . white) {\fret-diagram-terse #'"3 5;…

Fret diagrams

Inserting large plain text sections, as independent \markup blocks [0.21429]

Inserting large plain text sections, as independent \markup blocks

…can enter different \score blocks, but also independent \markup sections. This snippet also demonstrates some interesting text …

Inserting large plain text sections, as independent \markup blocks

Stylized movement numbers [0.21429]

…for the instrumentName field (or wherever else a markup can be used).

…number for the instrumentName field. % syntax example: instrumentName = \markup \No #"14a" #(define-markup-command (No layout props … …against LSR bug: not needed. \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \No #"8" } % or: %\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup\magnify #1.3 \concat { № \hspace#.4 8. \hspace#-2 } \…

Stylized movement numbers

Clarinet fingering chart and tablatures [0.21429]

…diagram support.] This snippet defines a new \clarTab markup command to draw tablatures for the clarinet. The …

…space between notes ver 2.11 c^"1"_\markup \clarTab ##f #'(0 1 2 3) #'() … …3 4)#'(("Rring" . "b"))} d16 dis^"12"_\markup \clarTab ##f #'(0 1 2) #'(("Lring" . "dis")) e8 s1^"13"_\markup \clarTab ##t #'() #'( ("Rlittle" . "")("Llittle" . "") ("Rfore" . "")("Lfore" . "") ("…

Clarinet fingering chart and tablatures

Roman numerals for analysis [0.21429]

…creation of Roman numerals for harmonic analysis. Syntax: \markup \rN { ...list of symbols... } Enter a Roman numeral …

…to create Roman numerals for harmonic analysis. %% %% Syntax: \markup \rN { ...list of symbols... } %% %% List symbols in this … …rN { Fr + 6 } \markup \rN { I 6 4 } \markup \rN { V 7 } \markup \rN { I } } \score { \new Staff << \new Voice = "bass" { \…

Roman numerals for analysis

Footnotes / Remarks in the footer [0.21429]

…to add an annotation (add-foot!) wich adds a markup to a foot-item-list and returns a label-event and …

…define-markup-commands.scm and % TODO parameter for markup styles in paper{} (like 'tocItemMarkup) % TODO * items, not … …unfold 10 { c d e f } \addfoot #0 \markup { "Test3" } \repeat unfold 10 { c d e f } \… …override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(0 . -1) \addfoot #DOWN \markup { \italic "mi = \"la\" in ancient ork" } \repeat unfold …

Footnotes / Remarks in the footer

Smiley [0.21429]

…funny icons in your score or in a markup. syntax is \smiley #'type' #'size', or \…

…defs to be saved as smiley.ily: lovePath = \markup { \combine \override #'(filled . #t) \with-color #(x11-color '… …f' s8 } \layout { indent = 15 \context { \Staff instrumentName = \markup\smiley #"A" #10 \once\override TimeSignature.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup\smiley #";)" #2 #})) } } } \paper { tagline = ##f }


Circle of Fifths [0.21429]

…if you want to change size and position: \markup \move-and-scale \QuiZi #0.8 #40

…snippets als markups %% in order of appearance CDur=\markup \score { { \key c \major g'4 } \layout { } } GDur=\… …use markup-command \overlay instead of %% multiple \combine QuiZi= \markup { %% Score snippets \combine \move-markup \GDur #outer-radius #30 \combine \… …#black \draw-circle #QC-radius #0.5 ##f } %% usage example \markup \move-and-scale \QuiZi #0.8 #40

Circle of Fifths

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