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Results 81−87 of 87 for header

Indenting individual systems [0.07143]

%%%%%%%% HEADER %%%%%%%% % % this code was prompted by % https://lists.gnu.…

Indenting individual systems

Strikethrough text [0.07143]

…make-line-stencil th (car xextent) y-pos (cdr xextent) y-pos)))) \header { title = \markup { The \strikethrough Well- Tempered Clavier } } \markup { …

Strikethrough text

Watermark [0.07143]

…watermark \fill-line { \if \should-print-page-number \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \null } } } \header { dedication = \markup \italic "This music is dedicated to …


logo at the top [0.07143]

…ragged-bottom = ##t print-page-number = ##t print-first-page-number = ##f %top-margin = #10 } \header { dedication = "à léon" title = "le titre" subtitle = "sous-titre" …

logo at the top

Turkish Makam example [0.07143]

…tagline = ##f } % Initialize makam settings \include "" \header { title = "Hüseyni Saz Semaisi" composer = "Lavtacı Andon" } \relative { \…

Turkish Makam example

Vertical spacing of footnotes [0.07143]

…#text #item #}))) % % Example % #(set-default-paper-size "a7landscape") \book { \header { tagline = ##f } \paper { text-font-defaults.baseline-skip = 1.7 footnote-padding = …

Vertical spacing of footnotes

Organ pedal marks in various styles, including pedal glides [0.07143]

…bookOutputName "organ_pedal_marks_demo" #(set-global-staff-size 14) \header { tagline = \markup { } % Turn off Lilypond footer } toccata_ending = \…

Organ pedal marks in various styles, including pedal glides

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