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Results 71−80 of 87 for header

Functional analysis [0.07143]

…by Klaus Blum \paper { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f } \header { tagline = ##f } % --------------------------------------------------------------- % The "central" function % Usage: % FunctionLetter …

Functional analysis

Melody with chords. Chord diagrams described on top of the score. [0.07143]

…melody = \relative c'' { c } my_chords = \chordmode { c } \header { title = "Title" composer = "Composer" tagline = ##f } \paper { markup-markup-spacing.…

Melody with chords. Chord diagrams described on top of the score.

Including accidental and dots in a parenthesized note [obsolete in 2.23] [0.07143]

…parentheses-interface::print grob))) \parenthesize $note #}) \paper { indent = 0 } \header { tagline = ##f } { \textMark\markup\small\column { \italic "Using" \…

Including accidental and dots in a parenthesized note [obsolete in 2.23]

Instrument name as staff lines [0.07143]

…981 % Credits: PPS, March 2015. \paper { indent = 25 } \header { opus = \markup \fontsize #4 "BWV 1009" piece = \markup \…

Instrument name as staff lines

Instrument name as staff lines (alternative) [0.07143]

…PPS, March 2015. \paper { indent = 0 tagline = ##f } \header { opus = \markup \fontsize #4 "BWV 1009" piece = \markup \…

Instrument name as staff lines (alternative)

Using tags to produce mensural and modern music from the same source [0.07143]

\header { tagline = ##f } menrest = #(define-music-function (note) (ly:music?) #{ \…

Using tags to produce mensural and modern music from the same source

Arranging separate lyrics on a single line [0.07143]

\header { tagline = ##f } \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup .nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing .…

Arranging separate lyrics on a single line

Outliner [0.07143]

…grob 'font-size 0.0))) (ly:stencil-scale clef-henle 1 1))) } } } \header { title = \markup { \with-color #yellow %% 'ouliner' with x11 color: \…


Drawing a keyboard with scalable size and correct positions of the black keys [0.07143]

…the-chord) (ly:music?) #{ <>^\markup \complete #the-chord $the-chord #}) \header { tagline = ##f } twoOctaves= \markup { \combine \stencil \dos-w-octavas \combine \…

Drawing a keyboard with scalable size and correct positions of the black keys

Drawing an accordion standard stradella bass system [0.07143]

…- row-y-dist))))) ;; loop through all rows (iota 6))))) \header { tagline = ##f } \markup \column { \vspace #2 "Draw a …

Drawing an accordion standard stradella bass system

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