The LilyPond Snippet Repository ♪♫

What's this? Searching the LSR Browse Contributing Snippet database

Results 21−30 of 87 for header

Removing items from only voiceTwo using a Scheme filter [0.12500]

…LSR/Item?id=372 %here starts the snippet: \header { title = "Removing markup, dynamics etc. from voiceTwo" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Description … …this voice. \context Voice = "v2Filtered" { \voiceTwo \filtermusic \mII } >> >> \header { piece = "When combined on one staff, we want … …with { instrumentName = "Voice 2" } \context Voice = "vstaff2" \mII >> \header { piece = "Each voice has full dynamics and markups" } } \…

Removing items from only voiceTwo using a Scheme filter

Alphabetically sorted index [0.12500]

…ilist) (cons (car ilist) (insert-alphabetical-sorted! iitem (cdr ilist))) ) ) ) \header { tagline = ##f } \paper { indexTitleMarkup = \markup \column { \fontsize #5 \… …repeat unfold 10 { c d e f } \bar "|." } \header { piece = "first piece" } } \score { << \new Staff \new Voice = "… …la } \repeat unfold 10 { mi mi mi mi } } >> \header { piece = "second piece" } }

Alphabetically sorted index

unfold percent repeats only [0.12500]

…f } e2.\pp \bar "|." } \score { \new Staff { \First } \header { piece = "Part #1" } } \score { \new Staff { \Second } \header { piece = "Part #2" } } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { \unfoldPercentRepeatsR \First } \new Staff { \unfoldPercentRepeatsR \Second } >> \header { piece = "Score" } }

unfold percent repeats only

Printing the title on every page of your score [0.10714]

…#'header:title " " % This will make sure that the header is never completely empty, to % avoid some layout … …if \should-print-page-number \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string " " \fromproperty #'header:title } } \header { title = "This title will be repeated" subtitle = "whereas …

Printing the title on every page of your score

Adding instrument name and clef change to cue notes [0.10714]

…notes: \score { \new Staff \keepWithTag #'cued \Solo \header { piece="Solo score with cue notes"} } % full score … …uncued \Solo \new Staff \keepWithTag #'uncued \vI >> \header { piece="Full score with cue notes removed"} }

Adding instrument name and clef change to cue notes

senza ripetizioni (without repeats) [0.10714]

…2 LSR problem workaroud \score { \new Staff { \M } \header { piece = "\\Music =" } } \score { \new Staff { \senzaRipet { \M } } \header { piece = "\\senzaRipet { \\Music } =" } }

senza ripetizioni (without repeats)

Vertically aligned StaffGroups without connecting SystemStartBar [0.10714]

#(set-global-staff-size 18) \header { tagline = ##f } \paper { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f print-all-headers = … …new Voice \cbIV >> >> % Score \score { << \exercise \simpleBach \chromaticBach >> \header { title = \markup \column { \combine \null \vspace #1 "Exercise: …

Vertically aligned StaffGroups without connecting SystemStartBar

Metronome marks with more options [0.10714]

…Lilypond default, and added the % tempoBetweenText property. % % Original header of the Theresius snippet: %% http://lsr.di.unimi.… …is LILYPOND's default Metronome Mark Formatter)" } \bar "|." } \header { piece = \markup \column { "»Score.metronomeMarkFormatter = #format-metronome-markup-custom«" "is assigned …

Metronome marks with more options

Arrows [0.10714]

…cis' e' a'^\ru>8 } \layout { indent = 0 } \header { piece = \markup \bold "Fandango" } } %% As instrument name, as … …relative c' { c4 e g } \layout { indent = 0 } \header { piece = \markup\override #'(baseline-skip . 1.5)\center-column { \…


Transposing and naming instrument groups [0.07143]

…modified by P.P.Schneider on Feb.2014 \header { title = "Ouvertûre" subtitle = "Zu Heinrich Joseph v. Collins …

Transposing and naming instrument groups

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