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Results 1−10 of 16 for colored

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note name and alteration [0.32143]

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note …

…This scheme function can be used to produce colored note heads that have a black outline. The …

…is a boolean for whether ;; the outline is colored (#t) or the note head (#f). ;; @var{line-width} … …markup\column { \vspace #.5 \italic "Medium (#3) colored outlines:" } \new Staff \with { \override NoteHead.layer = #2 \…

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note name and alteration

Colored boxes around / behind notes [0.28571]

Colored boxes around / behind notes

…etc. This snippet demonstrates some tricks for drawing colored boxes around/behind notes. It is based on …

…baseline-skip . 2) \column { \wordwrap { When line-thickness increases, the colored box will increase its X-extent to have the …

Colored boxes around / behind notes

Colored background [0.21429]

Colored background

…purposes, it could be helpful to put a colored background behind some notes.

Colored background

Colored arrow [0.21429]

Colored arrow

This snippet demonstrates drawing colored arrows in a score, e.g. for analysis …

Colored arrow

Colored arrows (alternative method) [0.21429]

Colored arrows (alternative method)

This snippet demonstrates drawing colored arrows in a score, e.g. for analysis …

Colored arrows (alternative method)

Coloring successive intervals [0.21429]

…heads of both notes defining the interval are colored. The engraver can be added to every Voice …

…heads of both notes encompassing %% the interval are colored. %% %% Mode of operation: %% Intervals are defined by two … …->grobB matches -> color! ;; (grobC_colored grobB_colored_colored (!)) ;; -> information about interval grobA<->grobB gets …

Coloring successive intervals

Differently colored note heads in one staff [0.14286]

Differently colored note heads in one staff

Differently colored note heads in one staff

Colored background for markup text [0.14286]

Colored background for markup text

Colored background for markup text

Background color [0.10714]

…is possible to give the illusion of a colored background by printing a large colored box under the score, as demonstrated here.

Background color

Coloring individual staff lines [0.10714]

Staff lines can be colored independently by overriding the default stencil for StaffSymbol. … …line-positions. To signal that a particular line between colored lines should remain black, use #f.

Coloring individual staff lines

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