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Results 21−30 of 40 for chordmode

Chord name exceptions [0.07143]

…chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions) theMusic = \chordmode { g1:maj9 g1:6.9 \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions g1:maj9 g1:6.…

Chord name exceptions

Adding bar lines to ChordNames context [0.07143]

… = #'(-2 . 2) \consists "Bar_engraver" } \chordmode { f1:maj7 f:7 bes:7 }

Adding bar lines to ChordNames context

Single staff template with notes, lyrics, chords and frets [0.07143]

…#"2." This is the second verse. } theChords = \chordmode { % insert chords for chordnames and fretboards here c2 …

Single staff template with notes, lyrics, chords and frets

Showing chords at changes [0.07143]

harmonies = \chordmode { c1:m c:m \break c:m c:m d } << \new ChordNames { \…

Showing chords at changes

Filtering parts from the command line [0.07143]

…this is the end of my song.} chdBoth = \chordmode { c4 g1 c g c } treChorusI = \relative c'' { …

Filtering parts from the command line

Showing rests in ChordNames [0.07143]

…r g r c,1 } \score { << \new ChordNamesRests { \chordmode { \override Rest.Y-offset = #1 \music } } \relative c' { \music } >> }

Showing rests in ChordNames

Chord Names and Lyrics without a Staff [0.07143]

…e \tuplet 3/2 { d2 c d } } harmonies = \chordmode { a1:m | d:m | e:7 | } \score { << \new ChordNames \with { \override …

Chord Names and Lyrics without a Staff

Chord names, lyrics and blank staff [0.07143]

…d4( \melisma b4) \melismaEnd gis4 } b,2 | } harmonies = \chordmode { a1:m | d:m | e:7 | } \score { << \new ChordNames { \harmonies } \new …

Chord names, lyrics and blank staff

Defining predefined fretboards for other instruments [0.07143]

…include file / #(set-global-staff-size 16) primerosNames = \chordmode { d:6 d a:maj7 d:maj7 g } primeros = { \dSix \dMajor \…

Defining predefined fretboards for other instruments

Chords headword [0.07143]

\header { tagline = ##f } theChords = \chordmode { \time 2/2 f1 | c2 f2 | f1 | c2 …

Chords headword

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