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Results 1−2 of 2 for chordRootNamer

Use custom font's flat (b) and sharp (#) symbols for chords [0.13393]

…make-small-markup (make-raise-markup 0.7 (make-text-markup "#"))))))))))) semiGermanChords = { \set chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->german-markup #f) \set chordNoteNamer = #note-name->german-markup } \… …use like this: % % { % popChords = % { % \set chordNameExceptions = #myPopChordsAdd % \set chordRootNamer = #my-chord-name->pop-markup % } % } % % % or like this: % % \layout % { % \context % { % \Score % chordNameExceptions = #myPopChordsAdd % chordRootNamer = #my-chord-name->pop-markup % } % }

Use custom font's flat (b) and sharp (#) symbols for chords

ChordNames in a ChordMarkup-context [0.12500]

…major-seven-symbol (ly:context-property context 'majorSevenSymbol #f)) (chord-root-namer (ly:context-property context 'chordRootNamer)) (chord-note-namer (ly:context-property context 'chordNoteNamer)) (chrd&bass (string-split text … …indent = 0 } } %% 2 keep-entered-root-chrds = << \new ChordMarkup \lyricmode { \set chordRootNamer = #identity C Cis cism "Cis:7.5-" "Cis:5-.7" "… …To insist on the root as entered, set 'chordRootNamer' to 'identity'" "Rootless basses are possible" "To insist …

ChordNames in a ChordMarkup-context