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Results 31−40 of 131 for break

Flat Ties [0.13393]

…e a c e a c e>~ q \break a'4~a \once \override Tie.details.height-limit = … …override Tie.details.height-limit = 0.5 a4~a \break a4~a \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . 0.… …0 . 0.4) (0 . 0)) Tie a4~a \break a4~a \once \override Tie.stencil = #(flared-tie '((…

Flat Ties

Repeat-bar-lines with angle-wings for whole StaffGroup (automatic and semi-automatic) [0.13393]

…map (lambda (s) #{ s1 \bar $s s1 \break \bar $s #}) '(":..:" ".|:-|" ":|."))) \markup \… …auto } { \mus \break s1 \bar "|." } \new Staff { \mus \break s1 \bar "|." } \new Staff { \mus \break s1 \bar "|." } >> \layout { \context { \Score \CertainBracketTipsBarLines } } } %% A semi-automatic …

Repeat-bar-lines with angle-wings for whole StaffGroup (automatic and semi-automatic)

Different font size settings for instrumentName and shortInstrumentName [0.13393]

…Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" shortInstrumentName = "Fl." } { c''1 \break c'' \break c'' } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violin" shortInstrumentName = "Vl." } { c''1 \break c'' \break c'' } >>

Different font size settings for instrumentName and shortInstrumentName

Using any arbitrary markup as LyricHyphen [0.13393]

…b8 b4 b4 | b8 b8 b8 b8 b2 \break } r2 b'2~ \break b1~ \break b2 b2 } \addlyrics { \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \… …1) \with-color #blue #"~" \override LyricText.font-size = #6 Break -- ing }

Using any arbitrary markup as LyricHyphen

Parenthesize crescendo and decrescendo spanners [0.13393]

…5 \decresc #}) %% Test: { c'1*10 \cresc \break s1*5 c'1\! c'1*5 \decresc \… …10 c'1\! \bar "." } { c'1*10 \parC \break s1*5 c'1\! c'1*5 \parD \break s1*10 c'1\! \bar "." }

Parenthesize crescendo and decrescendo spanners

Broken TextSpan for gradual tempo changes on page turns [0.13393]

…relative c'' { \orderYouSeeThis e\startTextSpan e e e |\break e e e e\stopTextSpan |\break \bar"|." \revert … …right-broken.X \ritTextSpanWithBroken e\startTextSpan e e e |\break e e e e | e\stopTextSpan e e e |\break \bar"|." }

Broken TextSpan for gradual tempo changes on page turns

Ancient fonts [0.12500]

…style = #'vaticana.cephalicus <>^"vaticana.punctum.cephalicus" \m \break \textMark \markup \rounded-box "Medicaea clefs, custos and note … … = #'medicaea.rvirga <>^"medicaea.rvirga" \m \break \textMark \markup \rounded-box "Hufnagel clefs, custos and note … …override = #'hufnagel \clef "hufnagel-fa2" \break \override = #'hufnagel.punctum <>^"hufnagel.punctum" \…

Ancient fonts

Transposing and naming instrument groups [0.12500]

…Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Fl. " \time 4/4 c1 \break \pageBreak c % \break c % \break c \bar"|." } oboi = \relative c' { \set Staff.instrumentName = …

Transposing and naming instrument groups

Heavily customized polymetric time signatures [0.12500]

…d c b' c d e4-^ fis8 g \break c,4. d4 c4 d4. c4 d c2 … …c4 d4. c4 d c2 d4. e4-^ d4 \break c4. d4 c4 d4. c4 d c2 d4. … …c4 d4. c4 d c2 d4. e4-^ d4 \break } drum = \new DrumStaff \drummode { \repeat volta 2 { bd4.^\…

Heavily customized polymetric time signatures

Forcing visibility of systems with multi-bar rests when using \RemoveEmptyStaffContext [0.12500]

…one = { \repeat unfold 4 { a1 b c' d' \break } % Macro positioning is critical - overrides are inside … …before last R1 \showMultiRests R R \hideMultiRests R \break R1*4 \break R } two = { \override MultiMeasureRest.color = #red R1*4 …

Forcing visibility of systems with multi-bar rests when using \RemoveEmptyStaffContext

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