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Results 1−4 of 4 for al fine

Multiple simultaneous RehearsalMarks, tunable output per score, grace synchronized [obsolete in 2.23] [0.07381]

…polyMark #'DC \markup \line { \italic "Da Capo al Fine " } \polyMark #'Fermata \markup \musicglyph "scripts.ufermata" \bar "|." } …

Multiple simultaneous RehearsalMarks, tunable output per score, grace synchronized [obsolete in 2.23]

How to add text marks at the end of a line [0.07143]

…override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible \mark "D.C. al Fine" g4 g g g | g g g g | …

How to add text marks at the end of a line

Printing marks at the end of a line or a score [0.07143]

…override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT \mark "D.C. al Fine" } \paper { tagline = ##f }

Printing marks at the end of a line or a score

Squeeze and split staff [0.07143]

…#-2 \override #'(baseline-skip . 3) \left-column { \bold "Tacet al fine" \italic { "hold instruments" "as if ready" "to play" "…

Squeeze and split staff