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Alternating beam directions

The eighth notes may be seemingly attached to different beams, and the corresponding notes connected by ties. Such a situation may occur, for example, in the cello suites.

Alternating beam directions

Alternative bar numbering

Two alternative methods for bar numbering can be set, especially for when using repeated music.

Alternative bar numbering

Alternative breve notes

Breve notes are also available with two vertical lines on each side of the notehead instead of one line and in baroque style.

Alternative breve notes


Ambitus indicate pitch ranges for voices.

Accidentals only show up if they are not part of the key signature. AmbitusNoteHead grobs also have ledger lines.


Ambitus after key signature

By default, ambitus are positioned at the left of the clef. The \ambitusAfter function allows for changing this placement. Syntax is \ambitusAfter grob-interface (see Graphical Object Interfaces for a list of possible values for grob-interface.)

A common use case is printing the ambitus between key signature and time signature.

Ambitus after key signature

Ambitus with multiple voices

Adding the Ambitus_engraver to the Staff context creates a single ambitus per staff, even in the case of staves with multiple voices.

Ambitus with multiple voices

Analysis brackets

Brackets can be used in musical analysis to indicate the structure of the pieces.

As demonstrated in the second measure, such analysis brackets can be nested.

Analysis brackets

Analysis brackets above the staff

Simple horizontal analysis brackets are added below the staff by default. The following example shows a way to place them above the staff instead.

Analysis brackets above the staff

Analysis brackets with labels

Text markup may be added to analysis brackets through the text property of the HorizontalBracketText grob. Adding different texts to brackets beginning at the same time requires the \tweak command.

Bracket text will be parenthesized after a line break.

Analysis brackets with labels

Ancient accidentals

Accidentals are available in different ancient styles, which all are collected here.

Ancient accidentals

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