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Circle of Fifths

There is no problem, just a solution ;-)

This is just a gimmick: a circle of fifths drawn with Lilypond.



or if you want to change size and position:

\markup \move-and-scale \QuiZi #0.8 #40

Circle of Fifths

Circled numbers for live electronics

When dealing with live electronics notation, it's common to use circled numbers (with or without a description of the electronic effect) at the cue places. This type of notation is particularly common in pieces in which the instrumentalist uses a MIDI footpedal to activate events, though might be used in a wider context.

Circled numbers for live electronics

Circled pattern markup

Syntax is \markup\circled-pattern #'radius #'angle #'repeat 'sign (or letter, or glyph)

Circled pattern markup

Clarinet fingering chart and tablatures

[Note that recent LilyPond versions come with built-in woodwind diagram support.]

This snippet defines a new \clarTab markup command to draw tablatures for the clarinet.

The syntax is

\clarTab twelfthKey? holes keysByFinger


Here is a list of all strings for '(fingerName . noteName) pairs accepted (note that all altered notes are defined with a sharp):

To see all keys unpressed, specify a dummy value for the noteName, like in 13:

\clarTab ##t #'() #'(("Rlittle" . "") ("Llittle" . "")
                     ("Rfore" . "")("Lfore" . "")
                     ("Rring" . "")("Lring" . ""))

Eventually, you can specify the size of the clarinet tablature by writing at the begining of the .ly file:

clarTabScale = #x

By default x=1. Specifying other values multiplies the size by x.

Example: clarTabScale = #1.5

Clarinet fingering chart and tablatures

Clef change at the beginning of a piece

When changing the clef at the beginning of the first measure, Lilypond just changes the clef for the staff. This is how to keep the staff clef and add an extra clef after the time signature and before the first note.

Clef change at the beginning of a piece

Clef change at the beginning of a piece (alternative)

When changing the clef at the beginning of the first measure, Lilypond just changes the clef for the staff. This is how to keep the staff clef and add an extra clef after the time signature and before the first note.

Clef change at the beginning of a piece (alternative)

Clef, key and time signature in square brackets

For critical editions, objects like clefs, key or time signatures sometimes need to be written in parentheses to indicate they are missing from the autograph. This can be achieved by simply wrapping the bracketify-stencil function around the object's stencil function. By using \once \override, the effect can be applied to just one clef/key/time signature; by using \override it applies to the whole piece.

Clef, key and time signature in square brackets


The clef indicates which lines of the staff correspond to which pitches. The clef is set with the \clef command:

         { c''2 \clef alto g'2 }

Supported clefs include:

treble, violin, G, G2
G clef on 2nd line

alto, C
C clef on 3rd line

C clef on 4th line.

bass, F
F clef on 4th line

G clef on 1st line, so-called French violin clef

C clef on 1st line

C clef on 2nd line

C clef on 5th line

F clef on 3rd line

F clef on 5th line

percussion clef

tablature clef

By adding _8 or ^8 to the clef name, the clef is transposed one octave down or up, respectively, and _15 and ^15 transposes by two octaves. The argument clefname must be enclosed in quotes when it contains underscores or digits. See the last two bars for an example.


Clefs can be transposed by arbitrary amounts

Clefs can be transposed by arbitrary amounts, not just by octaves.

Clefs can be transposed by arbitrary amounts

Clip systems

This code shows how to clip (extract) snippets from a full score.

This file needs to be run separately with -dclip-systems; the snippets page may not adequately show the results. The result will be files named base-from-start-to-end[-count].eps.

If system starts and ends are included, they include extents of the System grob, e.g., instrument names.

Grace notes at the end point of the region are not included.

Regions can span multiple systems. In this case, multiple EPS files are generated.

Clip systems

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