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Changing beam knee gap

Kneed beams are inserted automatically when a large gap is detected between the note heads. This behavior can be tuned through the auto-knee-gap property. A kneed beam is drawn if the gap is larger than the value of auto-knee-gap plus the width of the beam object (which depends on the duration of the notes and the slope of the beam). By default auto-knee-gap is set to 5.5 staff spaces.

Changing beam knee gap

Changing beam thickness and spacing

To make beams thicker or thinner alter the Beam.beam-thickness property. To adjust the spacing between beams alter the Beam.length-fraction property.

Changing beam thickness and spacing

Changing breathe marks to markup text

Other snippets show how to replace a breathe symbol by some other symbol. This snippet extends that idea by:

In this example the breathe symbol is replaced by the comma character from the Helvetica font. This character is enlarged and slightly raised using the \raise markup function.

Changing breathe marks to markup text

Changing chord separator

The separator between different parts of a chord name can be set to any markup.

Changing chord separator

Changing form of multi-measure rests

If there are ten or fewer measures of rests, a series of longa and breve rests (called in German Kirchenpausen - church rests) is printed within the staff; otherwise a simple line is shown. This default number of ten may be changed by overriding the expand-limit property.

Changing form of multi-measure rests

Changing fret orientations

Fret diagrams can be oriented in three ways. By default the top string or fret in the different orientations will be aligned.

Changing fret orientations

Changing MIDI output to one channel per voice

When outputting MIDI, the default behavior is for each staff to represent one MIDI channel, with all the voices on a staff amalgamated. This minimizes the risk of running out of MIDI channels, since there are only 16 available per track.

However, by moving the Staff_performer to the Voice context, each voice on a staff can have its own MIDI channel, as is demonstrated by the following example: despite being on the same staff, two MIDI channels are created, each with a different midiInstrument.

Changing MIDI output to one channel per voice

Changing ottava text

Internally, \ottava sets the properties ottavation (for example, to 8va or 8vb) and middleCPosition. To override the text of the bracket, set ottavation after invoking \ottava.

Short text is especially useful when a brief ottava is used.

Changing ottava text

Changing properties for individual grobs

The \applyOutput command allows the tuning of any layout object, in any context. It requires a Scheme function with three arguments.

Changing properties for individual grobs

Changing stanza fonts

Fonts can be changed independently for each stanza, including the font used for printing the stanza number.

Changing stanza fonts

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