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Blanking staff lines using the \whiteout command

The \whiteout command underlays a markup with a white box. Since staff lines are in a lower layer than most other grobs, this white box will not overlap any other grob.

Blanking staff lines using the \whiteout command

bold tenuto

A tenuto with more thick lines, e.g. for better readability in poor lighting conditions.

Internally a new stencil function is defined for the articulation scripts, which checks the type of articulation. If it's tenuto or portato, the alternate graphic is returned, in all other conditions the basic function ly:script-interface::print is called.

bold tenuto

Book parts

\bookpart can be used to split a book into several parts. Each part last page can be affected by ragged-last-bottom. Header and footer markups can detect a part last page, and make the difference with the book last page.

Book parts

Bracketed accidentals

The code in this snippet defines a new command \bracketAcc to put brackets around an accidental. It also works in chords. Note that you have to use a trailing ‘?’ character after the note in the input to enforce a cautionary accidental.

Bracketed accidentals

Bracketed or parenthesized alternative KeySignature

Sometimes bracketed or parenthesized KeySignatures indicate an alternative key.

The here proposed alternativeKey-function tries to do so.

It takes three arguments: the tonic-pitch of the original key, the tonic-pitch of the alternative key and the scale. An optional argument is provided as well. It determines whether to use brackets or parentheses, possible settings are 'bracketified (default) or 'parenthesized. Other settings will issue a warning and the alternative KeySignature will be printed without any brackets or parentheses.


- works only for minor and major, other scales are not supported

- it's not possible to use a different scale for the alternative key

Bracketed or parenthesized alternative KeySignature

Bracketed Passages

Code to make Lilypond draw left and right brackets vertically spanning a staff. This is intended to indicate an optional passage of music.

Bracketed Passages

Brackets indicating "Hauptstimme" and "Nebenstimme"

Brackets indicating "Hauptstimme" and "Nebenstimme" were first used by Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg, and Anton Webern. If you want to print them, use the following code. The brackets, defined with postcript, will scale with customized staff-sizes, too.

Brackets indicating "Hauptstimme" and "Nebenstimme"

Breaking vertical alignment of dynamics and textscripts

By default, LilyPond uses DynamicLineSpanner grobs to vertically align successive dynamic objects like hairpins and dynamic text. However, this is not always wanted. By inserting \breakDynamicSpan, which ends the alignment spanner prematurely, this vertical alignment can be avoided.

Breaking vertical alignment of dynamics and textscripts

Breathing signs

Breathing signs are available in different tastes: commas (default), ticks, vees and railroad tracks (caesura).

Breathing signs

Broken Crescendo Hairpin

In order to make parts of a crescendo hairpin invisible, the following method is used: A white rectangle is drawn on top of the respective part of the crescendo hairpin, making it invisible. The rectangle is defined as postscript code within a text markup.

The markup command with-dimensions tells LilyPond to consider only the bottom edge of the rectangle when spacing it against the hairpin. The property staff-padding prevents the rectangle from fitting between the hairpin and staff.

Make sure the hairpin is in a lower layer than the text markup to draw the rectangle over the hairpin.

Broken Crescendo Hairpin

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