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Background color

Although LilyPond does not allow to specify a background color, it is possible to give the illusion of a colored background by printing a large colored box under the score, as demonstrated here.

Background color

Baroque lute tablature

This snippet shows how to create an 11-choir baroque lute tablature.

It can be adapted to any kind of lute or tunings and with any type of font (e.g. Bravura) for an old looking output.

Midi output and worksheet for guitar transcriptions are also included.

Baroque lute tablature

Baroque Slash ornaments between chords

Slashes between notes of a chord - a Baroque ornament indicating that the lower neighbor notes should be struck almost simultaneously in a light arpeggio.

Baroque Slash ornaments between chords

Basic Grace Echo Purger

One subtype of the 'grace synchronisation issue' is the 'grace echo'. If a score wide collected event comes from at least one voice 'in time' while from one or more other voices it comes 'after the grace notes which do not exist in this/these voice(s)' the resulting grob will be created multiple times.

For metronome marks, bar lines and time signatures a very simple workaround is to just delete these echoed grobs. Here is an engraver which will do this job. Bar lines and time signatures will also be checked for equality and are only removed by this engraver if they are identical.

Additionally, by setting a grob proptery #'keep-grace-echo = ##t you can inhibit this grob removal to obtain a special output.

See also:

Basic Grace Echo Purger

Basic Roman Numeral and Figured Bass Analysis

If you need to create some basic roman numeral and figured bass analysis within the body of a score, you can create a staff with the standard engravers removed and add markup to spaces.

Basic Roman Numeral and Figured Bass Analysis

Beam endings in Score context

Beam-ending rules specified in the Score context apply to all staves, but can be modified at both Staff and Voice levels:

Beam endings in Score context

Beam grouping with non-standard time signatures

There are no default automatic beam groupings specified for a number of non-standard time signatures, including 2/8, 7/8 and 10/8. If automatic beams are required the grouping must be specified using <code>beatStructure</code>. This example groups beams in 7/8 time in the pattern 2-3-2.

Beam grouping with non-standard time signatures

Beams across line breaks

Line breaks are normally forbidden when beams cross bar lines; this behavior can be changed using enabling Beam.breakable.

Beams across line breaks

Beat hints for rhythm

This snippet shows how to print beat hints above a rhytmic staff.

Beat hints for rhythm

bendAfter supports microtonal bends

\bendAfter can be used to create falls and doits. It can also be used with non-integer arguments to create microtonal bends.

bendAfter supports microtonal bends

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