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Results 21−30 of 359 for markup

Acciaccatura markup [0.32143]

Acciaccatura markup

…is a solution to print an acciaccatura in markup (for example, to give an execution hint for …

…tupletSpan 8 \override Script.padding = #1 \appoggiatura f16 _\markup { [ \note {8} #1 \translate #(cons -1.5 … …flags.ugrace" } ] } e8 d r b | \appoggiatura f16 _\markup { [ \fontsize #-6 \note {8} #1 \translate #(cons …

Acciaccatura markup

Centering markup on note heads automatically [0.32143]

Centering markup on note heads automatically

…engraver to reset the horizontal parent of each markup to a NoteColumn. This also allows text to …

…Staff << \relative c'' { \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #3 c1-\markup { \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##t } } \\ \relative c' { a4 a-\markup { \huge ^ } a a } >>

Centering markup on note heads automatically

Markup on clef [0.32143]

Markup on clef

Here's how to put a markup – such as a sul tasto reminder – over the …

…cond ((equal? glyph "clefs.G") (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup \translate #'(0 . 5.5) \override #'(baseline-skip . … …#})) ((equal? glyph "clefs.F") (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup \translate #'(0 . 2) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) \…

Markup on clef

Combining dynamics with markup texts [0.28571]

Combining dynamics with markup texts

…piano subito ). These can be produced using a \markup block.

piuF = \markup { \italic più \dynamic f } \layout { ragged-right = ##f } \relative …

Combining dynamics with markup texts

Inserting a \markup when using chordmode [0.28571]

Inserting a \markup when using chordmode

A way to insert a \markup { . . . } string in \chords { . . . }.

…around the \whiteout. CMString = { <c e g>-\markup { \hspace #-2 \whiteout "Tacet" } } CMStringX = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions …

Inserting a \markup when using chordmode

Adding fingerings to a score using markup objects [0.28571]

Adding fingerings to a score using markup objects

Fingerings can be entered as markup objects, for example to specify fingering changes on …

…id=414 \relative c'' { c4-1 d-2 f-4 c^\markup { \finger "2 - 3" } }

Adding fingerings to a score using markup objects

Eyeglasses as markup (postscript) [0.28571]

Eyeglasses as markup (postscript)

…has to insert self-defined postscript code as a markup.

…40 3.65 1.70 curveto stroke" eyeglasses = \markup { \with-dimensions #'(0 . 4.4) #'(0 . 2.…

Eyeglasses as markup (postscript)

Stand-alone two-column markup [0.28571]

Stand-alone two-column markup

…text may be arranged in several columns using \markup commands:

\markup { \fill-line { \hspace #1 \column { \line { O sacrum convivium } \…

Stand-alone two-column markup

Creating metronome marks in markup mode [0.28571]

Creating metronome marks in markup mode

New metronome marks can be created in markup mode, but they will not change the tempo …

\relative c' { \tempo \markup { \concat { ( \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note {16.} #1 " = " \…

Creating metronome marks in markup mode

Changing breathe marks to markup text [0.28571]

Changing breathe marks to markup text

…is enlarged and slightly raised using the \raise markup function.

…override BreathingSign.font-size = #8 \override BreathingSign.text = #(markup (#:raise 0.2 ",")) } } \new Staff { \relative c'' { b4 …

Changing breathe marks to markup text

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