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Results 131−140 of 359 for markup

Metronome marks with more options [0.14286]

%% % Metronome markup formatter, with more options than the Lilypond % default … …outside-staff-priority = #1000 \tempo "Tempo I" 4 = 80 c'^" "_\markup \column { "\\set Score.metronomeMarkFormatter = #format-metronome-markup" "(which is LILYPOND's default Metronome Mark Formatter)" } \bar "|." } \header { piece = \markup \column { "»Score.metronomeMarkFormatter = #format-metronome-markup-custom«" "is assigned by a …

Metronome marks with more options

Multi-column scores [0.14286]

…obtain columns, one can simply put scores into \markup \fill-line contexts, but line breaking must be done …

…columns 2) left-margin)) plain-line-width))) (/ line-width columns) ))) \paper { \thepaper } \markup \fill-line { \column { \score { \relative c' { \repeat unfold 8 {…

Multi-column scores

Tramlines and Feta font caesurae [0.14286]

…rcomma, just as if saying: % \override BreathingSign.text = \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.rcomma" } e4_\markup "default" \breathe d … …d e | % a custom mark \override BreathingSign.text = \markup { \fontsize #4 \vcenter \bold "’" } e_\markup "custom mark" \breathe d e | }

Tramlines and Feta font caesurae

Drawing a keyboard with scalable size and correct positions of the black keys [0.14286]

…circle diameter %% routine to move and scale a markup #(define-markup-command (move-and-scale layout props mymark faktor x-offset) (… …markup "Draw a correct Keyboard with 2 octaves" \markup \move-and-scale \twoOctaves #0.3 #0 \markup { \null \vspace #4 "Draw a correct Keyboard with …

Drawing a keyboard with scalable size and correct positions of the black keys

ChordNames in a ChordMarkup-context [0.14286]

…Return concat-markup of @var{markups}, joining them with markup @var{sep}" (if (pair? markups) (make-concat-markup (list-insert-separator markups … …c:7.13 c:m7 c:m7 } >> \score { \change-defaults-chrds \header { piece = \markup \rounded-box \fill-line { \column { "It's possible to change" "… …alt" "Gm:7.(b5)/F" } \score { \other-example-chrds \header { piece = \markup \rounded-box \fill-line { "Other examples" \null } } \layout { indent = 0 } }

ChordNames in a ChordMarkup-context

Invert notes in a chord [0.14286]

…c'> \chordmode {c:maj es:6} %work also with chordmode } { <>^\markup "chords" \ac \bar "||" <>^\markup "drop 2" \dropNote 2 \… …bar "||" <>^\markup "rise 3" \riseNote 3 \ac \bar "||" <>^\markup "2nd inversion" \invertChords 2 \ac \bar "||" <>^\markup "\"down\" inversion" \invertChords -1 \ac \bar "||" }

Invert notes in a chord

Indenting individual systems [0.14286]

…function are: % 1: name-tweaks % usually omitted; accepts replacement \markup for instrument names % as an ordered list; starred … …short-indented system for reference (also info anchor:) \showInfo \markup \combine \demo-info-text \demo-info-line s1*7 \pseudoIndents \markuplist { 1 … …m \m \m \m \m \m \m \m } \markup \huge \bold \column { " " " Further possibilities" " "} \score { \new StaffGroup \…

Indenting individual systems

Extending Tempo [0.14286]

The Tempo marking may include a markup to create a more complex marking indicating tempo …

…have influence on a MIDI-export \relative c'' { \tempo \markup { \concat { \bold "Andante appasionata " "(" \lower #-0.5 \note {…

Extending Tempo

Analysis brackets with labels [0.14286]

Text markup may be added to analysis brackets through the …

…startGroup d''\stopGroup | c''-\tweak HorizontalBracketText.text \markup \bold \huge "b" \startGroup -\tweak HorizontalBracketText.text "…

Analysis brackets with labels

Customizing the no-chord symbol [0.14286]

…the N.C. symbol to be printed. This markup can be customized.

<< \chords { R1 \set noChordSymbol = "—" R1 \set noChordSymbol = \markup \italic "Ssh!" R1 } { R1*3 } >>

Customizing the no-chord symbol

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