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Results 111−120 of 359 for markup

Unfretted headword [0.14286]

…Statement Date: Octber the 9th, 2008 %%% %%% Abbreviations %%% db = \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.downbow" } dub = \markup { \line { \musicglyph "scripts.… …deh2 d dih \< %% Measure 9 << { \shift d2 \glissando ^\markup \colmark { \quatre } \shifta e1 } \\ { d2 \open ~ d1 ^\markup \colmark { " " " " \mvib } } >> \breathe r4 \! } %%% %%% Score %%% \score { << \relative c' << \…

Unfretted headword

Woodwind diagrams listing [0.14286]

\layout { indent = 0 } \relative c' { \textLengthOn c1^ \markup { \center-column { 'tin-whistle " " \woodwind-diagram #'tin-whistle #'() } } c1^ \markup { \… …markup { \center-column { 'saxophone " " \woodwind-diagram #'saxophone #'() } } c1^\markup { \center-column { 'bassoon " " \woodwind-diagram #'bassoon #'() } } c1^\markup { \center-column { 'contrabassoon " " \woodwind-diagram #'contrabassoon #'() } } }

Woodwind diagrams listing

Brackets indicating "Hauptstimme" and "Nebenstimme" [0.14286]

…2012-07/msg00036.html % thanks to Mark Knoop hauptStart = \markup { \path #0.25 #'((moveto 0 0) (lineto … …grob 'style 'none) (ly:grob-set-nested-property! grob '(bound-details left text) (markup #:scale (cons mult mult) nebenStart)) (ly:grob-set-nested-property! grob '(bound-details right text) (markup #:scale (cons mult mult) stimmeEnd)) ;;Perhaps you may …

Brackets indicating "Hauptstimme" and "Nebenstimme"

Making noteheads look handwritten [0.14286]

…making hand-written noteheads in LilyPond. Points on a markup path are randomly jittered to form the notehead …

…let ((fill (> (ly:grob-property grob 'duration-log) 1))) (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:rotate 45 #:scale '(1.3 . 0.7) #:override `(…

Making noteheads look handwritten

tag manipulating functions and additional filter by tag functions [0.14286]

…END of my personal include file '' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \markup { \null \translate #'( 1 . -3 ) \null } % 2.14.… …myLayout { \keepWithTag #'FOO \keepPart \Music } \header { piece = \markup \fontsize #-3 { \with-color #grey "\\keepWithTag #'FOO" \bold "\\… …d' -\tag #'LastOnly \p } } \header { piece = \markup \fontsize #-3 { \bold "\\taggedRep #'FirstOnly #'LastOnly …

tag manipulating functions and additional filter by tag functions

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note name and alteration [0.14286]

…notes and smaller ((> dur-log 1) (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup { \combine \with-color #outline-clr \path #(/ line-width 10) #'((… …override NoteHead.before-line-breaking = #(coloredNoteHeads #f 1) } { \music } \markup\column { \vspace #.5 \italic "Heavy (#6) outlines:" } \… …override NoteHead.before-line-breaking = #(coloredNoteHeads #f 6) } { \music } \markup\column { \vspace #.5 \italic "Medium (#3) colored …

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note name and alteration

Arabic chant [0.14286]

…461 3.092 curveto closepath fill" myClef_F = \markup { \with-dimensions #'(0 . 2.65) #'(0 . 3) \… …Clef.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup\flip\myClef_F #})) } \relative do { \clef F \… …grob) -1 1) 3 X)) \override BreathingSign.text = \markup\bold\magnify #1.5 \raise #1 \flip\rotate …

Arabic chant

Flamenco spanner [0.14286]

…on April 2014. %here starts the snippet: strokeUp = \markup\combine\override #'(thickness . 1.3) \draw-line #'(… …e,4\RHi e,8\RHi e,\RHi } \markup\italic\concat { "Right hand movment ends up (tanguillo)"\… …16\RHa e,\RHm e,\RHi e,\RHi } \markup\italic\concat { "Right hand movment ends down (soléares)"\…

Flamenco spanner

Placing a text at the end of a hairpin (decrescendo) [0.14286]

…is taken into account" (let* ((text-stil (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:vstrut text))) (text-stil-x-extent (ly:stencil-extent text-stil X)) (text-stil-length (interval-length … …c~ c2 b)\! } >> << \new Staff \relative c' { \hairpinWithRightText \markup \italic "molto" f'2(\fff\< e~ e) r\! } \new Staff \relative c' { \hairpinWithRightText \markup \dynamic "pp" f'2(\fff\> e~ e) r\! } \…

Placing a text at the end of a hairpin (decrescendo)

Guitar barre [0.14286]

…2014. % revised by Harm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \paper { tagline = ##f } Prefix = \markup { %% uncomment/comment these lines for C, C slashed, … …quantity' "text" notes \stopBarre (text = any fret number) \markup \column \italic { \vspace #1 "With string position prefix:" \… …function %% Syntax: note \startModernBarre fret-number string-number notes \stopBarre \markup \column \italic { \vspace #1 "A more modern approach:" \…

Guitar barre

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