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Results 11−20 of 359 for markup

Hairpin placed between two \markup or parenthesized hairpin [0.35714]

Hairpin placed between two \markup or parenthesized hairpin

…put a hairpin between any other text or markup element.

…derecha respectivamente % leftText and rightText will be the markup texts on each side of the hairpin hairpinBetweenText = … …you can put in a \markup parenthesizedHairpin = \hairpinBetweenText \markup "(" \markup ")" % the music \score { \relative c' { \time 3/4 \…

Hairpin placed between two \markup or parenthesized hairpin

Colored background for markup text [0.35714]

Colored background for markup text

…command puts a white background behind a given markup text. This snippet shows an easy way to …

…#(define-markup-command (on-color layout props color arg) (color? markup?) (let* ((stencil (interpret-markup layout props arg)) (X-ext (ly:stencil-extent … …#0.4 \whiteout "framed" } d e f c4^\markup { \with-color #magenta \on-color #blue \pad-markup #0.2 \bold "UGLY..." } d e f c4^\markup { \rotate #1 \rotate #1 \on-color #(rgb-color 1 …

Colored background for markup text

Eyeglasses as markup (path) [0.35714]

Eyeglasses as markup (path)

…has to insert self-defined path code as a markup. myEyeglasses support svg ouput.

…look at the conductor." (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup \override #'(line-cap-style . butt) \path #0.15 \my-eyeglassespath … …eyeglasses } \markup\italic "Alternative eyeglasses" \relative c'' { c2^\markup\myEyeglasses a2_\markup\myEyeglasses }

Eyeglasses as markup (path)

Circled pattern markup [0.35714]

Circled pattern markup

Syntax is \markup\circled-pattern #'radius #'angle #'repeat 'sign (…

…props radius angle num arg) (number? number? number? markup?) (interpret-markup layout props (let* ((rep (abs num))(rad (… …#105 "^" testFive = \markup \scale #'(3 . 1) ">" testSix = \markup { \circled-pattern #30 #360 #35 \circled-pattern #15 #180 #20 \sans\bold\rotate #-90 "C" } \markup\fill-line { %% Test #1 \circled-pattern-iterative #10 #180 #30 \testOne \…

Circled pattern markup

Using any arbitrary markup as LyricHyphen [0.35268]

Using any arbitrary markup as LyricHyphen

…use a proper glyph… or indeed any arbitrary markup.

…grob) "Draws a LyricHyphen using an arbitrary text markup." (define (span-point side common dir) (let ((iv (ly:generic-bound-extent … …for guile-v1 and guile-v2 --Harm (May 2022) \mark \markup { "LyricHyphen.text is blue" \with-color #blue #"~" } \override LyricHyphen.text = \markup \scale #'(3 . 1) \with-color #blue #"~" \override …

Using any arbitrary markup as LyricHyphen

Extracting text from markup [0.34821]

Extracting text from markup

This scheme function extracts a string from markup, removing any formatting information.

…id=747 #(define-markup-command (plain-text layout props arg)(markup?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup (markup->string arg)))) ttt = \markup { \normal-text { good day and \concat { hello \bold { world } } \italic { and moon } } } \header { title = \ttt subtitle = \markup { \normal-text { \italic { \plain-text \ttt } } } } \relative c' { c }

Extracting text from markup

Embedding native PostScript in a \markup block [0.33929]

Embedding native PostScript in a \markup block

PostScript code can be directly inserted inside a \markup block.

…trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. \relative c'' { a4-\markup { \postscript "3 4 moveto 5 3 rlineto stroke" } -\markup { \postscript "[ 0 1 ] 0 setdash 3 5 moveto 5 -3 rlineto stroke " } b4-\markup { \postscript "3 4 moveto 0 0 1 2 …

Embedding native PostScript in a \markup block

Demonstrating the power and flexibility of the \markup function [0.32143]

Demonstrating the power and flexibility of the \markup function

Here are some examples of how various markup texts can be obtained with LilyPond syntax. You …

… { f'1-\markup { foo \raise #0.2 \hbracket \bold bar \override … …noteheads-0" } \semiflat { } \combine "X" "+" \combine "o" "/" } g'1-\markup { %% \char-number #"abc1234abc" \box \column { \line { "string 1" } \…

Demonstrating the power and flexibility of the \markup function

Volta text markup using repeatCommands [0.32143]

Volta text markup using repeatCommands

…the volta text needs more advanced formatting with \markup. Since repeatCommands takes a list, the simplest method of including markup is to use an identifier for the text …

voltaAdLib = \markup { 1. 2. 3... \text \italic { ad lib. } } \relative …

Volta text markup using repeatCommands

Snap-pizzicato markup ("Bartok pizzicato") [0.32143]

Snap-pizzicato markup ("Bartok pizzicato")

…not have a pre-defined command to created this markup, it is easy to create a definition and …

…#(define-markup-command (snappizz layout props) () (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:stencil (ly:stencil-translate-axis (ly:stencil-add (make-circle-stencil 0.7 0.1 … …1) '(0.1 . 1))) 0.7 X)))) snapPizzicato = \markup \snappizz % now it can be used as \snappizzicato …

Snap-pizzicato markup ("Bartok pizzicato")

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