%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=85 % Remark: % Double sharp and double flat are not defined in all alteration-glyph-name-alists. % In this case they will not be printed and a log-warning appears. % % Warnings may be suppressed using 'ly:expect-warning' % Or use the here defined 'suppressWarning'-function, working since 2.20. % suppressWarning = #(define-void-function (amount message)(number? string?) (for-each (lambda (warning) (ly:expect-warning message)) (iota amount 1 1))) \suppressWarning 8 "no glyph name for alteration" \relative c'' { \time 5/4 \override Staff.Accidental.alteration-glyph-name-alist = #standard-alteration-glyph-name-alist cisis^\markup { \typewriter default } cis c ces ceses \override Staff.Accidental.alteration-glyph-name-alist = #alteration-hufnagel-glyph-name-alist cisis^\markup { \typewriter hufnagel } cis c ces ceses \override Staff.Accidental.alteration-glyph-name-alist = #alteration-medicaea-glyph-name-alist cisis^\markup { \typewriter medicaea } cis c ces ceses \override Staff.Accidental.alteration-glyph-name-alist = #alteration-vaticana-glyph-name-alist cisis^\markup { \typewriter vaticana } cis c ces ceses \override Staff.Accidental.alteration-glyph-name-alist = #alteration-mensural-glyph-name-alist cisis^\markup { \typewriter mensural } cis c ces ceses }