%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=848 %LSR modified by P.P.Schneider on Feb.2014 for v2.18 %{ Tablature layout for viol music The snippet defines a specialized group of rhythmic and tablature staves able to handle old english viol tablature scores. The string tunings defaults to the most common viol in d but other usual tunings are also available. The rhythm part is used to provide only the pace changes, and therefore must be provided as a supplementary voice. %} viol-in-d-tuning = \stringTuning viol-in-d-scord-tuning = \stringTuning viol-in-g-tuning = \stringTuning ViolTabLayout = \layout { \context { \RhythmicStaff \type "Engraver_group" \name "ViolTabRhythmicStaff" \alias "RhythmicStaff" \description "Handles rhythm part of viol tablature." \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3) \override Stem.length = #5 \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 1) (minimum-distance . 1) (padding . 1)) % useful to merge chords noteheads \override NoteHead.X-offset = #0 } \context { \TabStaff \type "Engraver_group" \name "ViolTabFingeringStaff" \alias "Staff" \description "Handles fingering part of viol tablature." tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format stringTunings = #viol-in-d-tuning % useful for tablature only scores \revert TimeSignature.stencil \override TimeSignature.style = #'single-digit } \context { \type "Engraver_group" \name "ViolTabStaff" \consists "Vertical_align_engraver" topLevelAlignment = ##f \description "Handles viol tablature." \defaultchild "ViolTabFingeringStaff" \accepts "ViolTabRhythmicStaff" \accepts "ViolTabFingeringStaff" } \context { \Score \accepts "ViolTabStaff" } } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% myNotes = \relative c { 4 e f8 g a4 2. c4 d4. e8 f4 g } myRhythm = \relative c' { a4 s a8 s a4 a2. a4 a4. a8 a4 s } \score { << \new Staff { \clef bass \myNotes } \new ViolTabStaff { << \new ViolTabRhythmicStaff { %\myNotes \myRhythm } \new ViolTabFingeringStaff { \myNotes } >> } >> \layout { \ViolTabLayout } }