%% => http://www.lilypondforum.de/index.php?topic=1123.msg6177#msg6177 %% => http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Text-extender-in-repeat-td177410.html %% Added by PPS on June 2015 \score { << \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 2/1 \repeat volta 2 { r4 g4 d'2. a4 bes2~ bes a2 g1~ } \alternative{ { g2 fis4 e fis1 d'1 c2 bes} { g\repeatTie fis4 e fis1 } } \bar "|." } \addlyrics { of Prin- ces all __ _ _ the __ _ %% put some space here: \once\override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #-0.7 flow’r. Who took a- %% volta 2 \tweak self-alignment-X #-3 \markup \null __ the __ _ %% put some space here: \once\override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #-0.7 flow’r. } >> }