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Results 1−8 of 8 for tie voice

Making an object invisible with the 'transparent property [0.08190]

…ties only connect two notes in the same voice. By introducing a tie in a different voice, and blanking the first up-stem in that voice, the tie appears to cross voices.

Making an object invisible with the 'transparent property

Combining pedal notes with clef changes [0.04762]

…messes with the pedal note in a lower voice; the tie appears to have changed voices. You can create …

Combining pedal notes with clef changes

Flat Ties [0.04762]

…0.2) (1.0 . 0.0)))) \layout { \context { \Voice \override Tie.stencil = #flare-tie } } \paper { ragged-right = ##f tagline = ##f } \relative …

Flat Ties

Hiding parts of slurs to avoid collisions with other objects [0.00433]

…grob-str #\.)) (context (if dot-index (string-take grob-str dot-index) "Voice")) (grob (if dot-index (substring grob-str (+ dot-index 1)) grob-str))) (cons context … …context (car (parse-grob-sym grob-sym))) (top-grob (cdr (parse-grob-sym grob-sym)))) #{ \override Tie.layer = #-2 \override Slur.layer = #-2 \override PhrasingSlur.…

Hiding parts of slurs to avoid collisions with other objects

Entering pitches as a list of semitones [0.00217]

…chord ;; chord won't work. (But one can tie its notes ;; individually.) (map (lambda (j) (if (music-is-of-type? j 'tie-event) (… …process should probably be advisable for most tonal scores. \new Voice << \structure \transpose a c \applyDeltas \rhythms \semitones >> \layout { …

Entering pitches as a list of semitones

Chord names, lyrics and blank staff [0.00176]

…TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##f \override TupletNumber.stencil = ##f \override Tie.transparent = ##t \override Rest.transparent = ##t \override Slur.transparent = ##t % … …a1:m | d:m | e:7 | } \score { << \new ChordNames { \harmonies } \new Staff { \new Voice = "vocal" { \melody } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocal" \text >> \layout { } } \…

Chord names, lyrics and blank staff

SATB Anglican Chant [0.00050]

…en-dash in hyphenated words and an en-dash lyric tie for tied words.) % NOTE: LSR didn't like the en-dash … …mp Oh, that to- } day you_would hearken to_his voice! } \score { \context ChoirStaff << \context Staff = women << \context Voice = …

SATB Anglican Chant

Organ pedal marks in various styles, including pedal glides [0.00047]

…g. \newPedalVoice "right_foot" { ... } is short for \new Voice = "right_foot" \with { \consists #Pedal_glide_engraver \remove Finger_glide_… …transitions) (heelcircle_radius 0.6) ;; radius of heel circle mark (tie_hspace 0.1) ;; horizontal space between marks/tie, …

Organ pedal marks in various styles, including pedal glides